Perfectly Crooked, Gods of Sass, and Permanent Vacations to Middle Earth

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(Published September 8th, 2014)

Perfectly Crooked, Gods of Sass, and Permanent Vacations to Middle Earth


~Going to CHB:

Demigod: Hey, I'm going to CHB, and I might die, so bye!

Parent: Okay, do you need help paying for the plane ticket?

~2 most popular reaction the main character finds out they're a demigod:

CHB Camper: You're a demigod.

Annabell Beth Katherine Louise Marie Ella Elizabeth Jacqueline Chase: Oh, I know. Just waiting for you to you to say it.


CHB Camper: You're a demigod.

Annabell Beth Katherine Louise Marie Ella Elizabeth Jacqueline Chase: OMGZ, REALLY?! DOES THAT MEAN LEO VALDEZ IS REAL??????????? AHHHHHH, HE MUST BE MY NEW HUSBAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FSKFVLADOUihdba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~The only monsters that exist or hellhounds, dracnae, and emposai. And Kelli is the only emposai that exist, everyone else took a permanent vacation to Middle Earth.

~((edit 09 JUL 2020: this next moment is honestly very wrong. No worries, I know that Nico is gay... but this one is defending pre-BoO fanfics when Nico's sexuality wasn't confirmed. Carry on))

So I'll be reading a well-written NicoxGirl fic (Like Thalico or Reynico or some OC) when the comments are like: "OMG NICO IS GAY YOU IDIOT!" and "THIS IS THE MOST HORRIBLE THING EVER BECAUSE NICO IS GAY!"

Everyone saying Nico is gay. O. M. G. NICO FREAKING SAID HE ONLY HAD A CRUSH ON PERCY, HE DIDN'T SAY HE LIKED OTHER GUYS IN GENERAL, AND HE SAID HE WAS YOUNG AND IMPRESSIONABLE, AND HE WAS OVER PERCY!!!!!!!!! So, that could've been a phase, or he be bi, but just because he says he likes Percy, doesn't automatically mean he's gay. SO STOP.

((Edit 1-11-16: Haha, please excuse ignorant 14-year-old me. Yes, I know Nico's gay, I just don't feel like taking this out. Thank you!))

~Leico, Valgrace, Reynabeth, Pipabeth, Leyna, Percemis, Rachico, and Rachebeth: WHERE THE DI ANGELO DID THESE SHIPS COME FROM?!?!?!!?!?!!?!

~The characters are perfect, perfect abs, perfect curves, perfect blue and green orbs, perfect crooked smile. Okay, when do the words 'perfect' and 'crooked' go together? Unless we're talking about A Crooked Kind of Perfect, nobody should have a perfect crooked ANYTHING! And now I can see why people left Frank out...

~ I wore my silky blonde hair in a side ponytail, with a seafoam green head band to match my sea green eyes. I put on blouse was a baby blue with dark blue sparkles, then my white booty shorts. Lastly I put on my black toms, then went to training.


~Octavian suddenly acts really romantic in Octachel fanfics.

~Annabeth is obsessed with Harry Potter.

~Piper is obsessed with Supernatural, Sherlock, and Doctor Who (AKA Superwholock).

~Rachel and Percy are the queen and king of sass.

~Apollo is always hitting on Thalia.

Apollo: Hey sweetheart.

Thalia: Don't call me sweetheart.

Nico: NO.

Coach Hedge: DIEEEE!!!!!!!!

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