20 Flamazingly Awesome but Totes Random Facts About Moi!

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So, I was nominated by @Katridana74 to do this. Honestly I didn't think I would ever get nominated so THANK YOU! I'm going to try to say some stuff you don't know about me. Anyway, here they are:

1. Tim Burton is my favorite movie director EVER. The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my all-time faves! This is Halloween and What's This? are my fave songs from the movie!

2. Surprisingly since Time Burton is one of my fave directors, I haven't seen all of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies or Edward Scissorhands.

3. I'm a freshman at a really stupid high school, all of my friends went to a different high school. T.T *tear*

4. The History Of My Username: We had this mini project in class where we had to mix our name and somebody else's name together, so I mixed my name with my friend Rachel's name. The result was Chilea: pronounced Chill-ay-uh.

5. I'm running out of random...

6. I found my love for writing because of E. B. White. If he had never written Charlotte's Web, then I would've never liked writing and I would definitely NOT have a Wattpad.

7. I LOVE film! It's soooooo much fun! (Wow, I REALLY sound like Annabell, I need to stop...) I'm entering the UIL Film Festival, so shout out to anyone else who is entering!

8. I play cello in orchestra, but I was originally going to play saxophone in band, but my dad who was in orchestra wanted me to be in orchestra, so I signed up. Then I was gonna play bass, but I liked the sound f the viola too so I chose cello: a mixture of the two. My fave song we played in orchestra is M to the Third Power, Harvest Moon, Stairway to Heaven (I had a solo!) Sourwood Mountain, Dance of the Tumblers, Carol of the Bells... *Keeps going*

9. I've never read Hunger Games, and I want to keep it that way. The two movies for it was 4 hours of my life that I'll never get back, and I don't want to waste a whole month of my time on it.

10. I'm originally from the beautiful state of Oregon but then I moved to a state that I hate that doesn't have any mountains to look at and the water taste like mold.

11. I have an unhealthy obsession with Spongebob collectables.

12. My favorite color is green! Any shade of green, except for puke and olive green.

13. I have 4 sisters, and I'm the middle child.

14. I have atleast 9 fanficttions I'm planning to publish on wattpad, and 2 fanfiction book series (One of which I already published the first book.) I have 3 AUs planned out, 2 clichés with a twist, and 4 original ideas. The two book series are called Heroes of Chaos (first book called Kidnapped by Khaos) and The Chronicles of Night.

15. I never read my summer reading book (I didn't even SparkNote it) but I got a 90 on the test over the book. .o.

16. TBH, The Lightning Thief movie is one of my fave movies. Before you kill me, here's why: I saw the movie before I read the books, so it was one of my favorite movies. Then I read the book and was like, "Oh..." I hate the Sea of Monsters movie with a burning passion, but since I got to see the first movie without any expectations, it's one of my favorite movies.

17. I saw Lindsey Stirling in concert (I can't spell her fisrt name without looking at my poster of her on my wall). I was supposed to see Rick Riordan on the 13th for his BOO tour, but all the tickets were sold out. T.T *tear*

18. I saw the Junie B. Jones play my school was holding on the day Barbara Parks died without knowing it. T.T *Tear*

19. I love Super Mario Bros. but I've always wanted to play Legend of Zelda.

20. I hate hate HATE the taste of fish, but they're my favorite species. I want to be a marine biologist when I get older, actually.

((EDIT 10 JUL 20: I'm actually in the coast guard now, so I have accomplished 14-year-old Chilea's dreams))

Okay, that's it!

Wait, I'm getting a call.... *answers phone* What? SEriously? Fine....

Looks like I have 5 more to do.

21. I've always had a crush on Grover (Ever since I saw thee movie until now). If it weren't obvious... But Gruniper is my OTP.

22. I love Frank, he's just so awesome and he reminds me of Grover... And I honestly think Frazel is cuter than Percabeth, because Percabeth is more serious and Frazel is more awkward!

23. Luke is my fifth fave character, behind Nico, then Leo & Frank, then Percy, then Grover.

24. I love vanilla and strawberry flavored things, YUMMY!

25. My favorite flavor of milk is rootbeer milk. It taste just like a rootbeer float!

Okay, now, the nominies are:





Lol, I couldn't think of anyone. If you've already been nominated then TOO BAD. No, jk, if you've already been nominated then ignore me. Anyway, BYERSIEBYES!

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