Antarctic Realtor, Creeper Guy, and Return of the Fluffy Pies

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(Published June 22nd, 2015)

Antarctic Realtor, Creeper Guy, and Return of the Fluffy Pies


~"Travis looked at his twin brother."


Person: *mouth full of food* Huh?

Me: Bring me that Fluffy Pie, NOW.

Person: *-o- *sighs and gives me the Fluffy Pie*

Me: THANK YOU. *Eats Fluffy Pie* Anyway, Travis and Connor are NOT twins. One of them's older (I forgot who to be honest, maybe Travis is older), so that means they're not twins. In the Sea of Monsters Percy even SAID they're not twins, but they looked so much alike that they might as well be.

~The average username:

-Percabeth[Enter random numbers here]

-[Enter ship name here]4Eves/Ever

-ILoveLeoValdez[Enter random numbers here]

-percyjacksonfan[Enter random numbers here]

-[Enter random character name and numbers here]

~Chaos acts like a complete baby in Chaos fics.

It's not like you have an army to lead or anything.

Chaos: ... Nah, I'll just leave that to Percy. YAY! FREE PONY RIDES!

Percy: *Lifts head from blue cookie jar* Huh?

~Average Chaos Names:

Percy: Omega Hurricane Wave. Oh, and Void. How can I forget Void?

Luke: Alpha Hero

Beckendorf: Fire Flames Builder Blaster

Silena: Beauty Pegasus Love

Bianca: Angel Huntress

Zoe: Huntress Star

~*Le Comment Section*

Water_Bender684: I hate Leo, he's so annoying! I honestly don't know why everyone likes him!


LeoValdezIsBae_: HOW DARE YOU!


ScrewCaleo_Lucleo4Eves: How can you call yourself a demigod?

Percabeth63654376437348764856237531874: They're not a demigod, no true fan of PJO/HoO hates Leo!

chikinriccebol: y r u reedin dis? u shuld go 2 taurtaurus. we h8 u. go kíll urself. no 1 liks u.

LolImAsian: Ya'll need to calm the Hades down and stop actin ratchet. Leo is bae. Leave Shanaynay alone so they can go kill themselves.

This comment has been reported offensive.

Chilea: Guys, seriously, stop. The whole fandom doesn't like Leo, or Nico, or Percy for that matter. Not everyone ships Percabeth or Caleo or Solangelo. Let people say their opinion, don't go bullying them.

~Why is there always some random hacker that goes and changes everyone's username on the PJO/HoO facebook stories? WHY DO THE CHARACTERS HAVE A FACEBOOK IN THE FIRST PLACE? WHO STILL USES FACEBOOK?

~*Le Chaos Cabin*

Omega Hurrican Wave (Percy): Alpha, snfufid dtji tujdn uyssib rykgsibeg jibgif!

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