~Chapter 52~

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Jungkook's POV

After I finished setting up my phone, I went through Twitter. All the feed consisted of either, why were are back in Korea or the car crash. Armies seem so worried about all of us. I should talk to the others about getting a statement out explaining everything.

"Hey, Hyung. Do you think we could get a statement out about everything that is going on?" I asked Jin. "I mean I can see what I can do. I just don't know if the company wants to do that yet, with Jimin still not better. But I can see," he said. "Okay thanks," I said.

Throughout the rest of the day, the members swapped in and out of Jimin's room. I stayed the whole time though, I didn't want to leave him alone. It was starting to get late and Namjoon and Jin were here with me.

I was sitting in the same chair, right next to Jimin. I hadn't let go of his hand all day. Jin was pacing around the room. He looked nervous and I had no clue why.

Namjoon was sitting down, but he was bouncing his leg up and down at a ridiculously fast pace. Namjoon only bounces his leg when he's nervous. So Jin and Namjoon are both nervous, what could be wrong with them?

"Okay Hyungs, what is wrong?" I asked, sick of seeing them act so nervous. Jin looked at Namjoon and Namjoon sighed looking down. "Jungkook, tonight I am going to stay with Jimin," Namjoon said. "What, why? He's my boyfriend," I protested.

"Yes, Jungkook we understand that, but when was the last time you showered or ate or slept well?" Jin asked. "Well, I had an apple yesterday and I slept last night," I answered. "Jungkook, you need to eat something else and sleep in your own bed. We hate to be like this, but we can't have you falling apart or you'll be no help to Jimin," Namjoon said.

"Okay, but you have to promise to text me if anything happens," I looked at Namjoon. "I promise, now please go home tonight. You can come back bright and early in the morning," Namjoon said.

I nodded and stood up. I kissed Jimin's forehead and grabbed my bag. I watched as Jin kissed Namjoon goodbye and grab his bag. Jin and I walked down to his car and sat in silence as he drove home.

After the long car ride, we arrived back at the dorms. I grabbed my bag and walked up to the door. I stepped in and slipped my shoes off, not saying anything to the people sitting in the living room.

I went up to my room and set my bag down. I grabbed a pair of clean clothes and went to my bathroom. I turned on the shower water and waited for it to heat up. Once it warmed up, I stripped all my clothes off and got in. The water felt good against my skin.

I tried to think about anything else but Jimin, but I just couldn't. I couldn't help but think about him. What if he woke up and needed me when I wasn't there? I just couldn't get him out of my mind. I finished up in the shower, unable to take my mind off of Jimin and got out. I put on my clothes and hung up my towels to dry.

I walked out of my bathroom and grabbed my phone. I walked downstairs and sat down in the living room. Yoongi, Hobi, and Tae were all sitting there watching a movie. I didn't know where Jin was.

All four of us sat there and watched the movie till it was over. After the movie was over, I stood up and walked back to my room. I laid down on my bed and immediately passed out.

~A Few Hours Later~

"Jungkook. Jungkook. JUNGKOOK!" Jin yelled, shaking my shoulder. "What!" I said, immediately sitting up. "Jimin," was all Jin had to say before I got up and grabbed a pair of clothes.

I quickly changed and ran downstairs, where Jin was waiting for me. "Let's go," he said, already out the door while I was putting shoes on. I finished putting my shoes on and ran to Jin's car. Once I closed the door, he immediately started driving.

"Okay, now what happened?" I asked. "Jimin woke up and nobody has been able to calm him down since," he said. "Okay, you better hurry up then," I said. Jin drove as fast as he could go, and within 10 minutes we were at the hospital.

I quickly got out and rushed to his room. Namjoon was standing outside and when he saw me he knocked on the door. I stood behind him. Dr. Choi opened the door and looked at me.

He immediately let me in and when I saw Jimin, my heart sank. He was sobbing and would yell at anyone who got close to him.

Jimin's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the room. There were a bunch of machines in the room and a person sitting in the corner. I looked closer at him and it looked like Namjoon. Where was Jungkook? Shouldn't he be with me?

I looked around the room again and I didn't recognize where I was. My head hurt really bad and so did my stomach. Suddenly there was a loud beeping noise. It kept going off and Namjoon rushed to get up.

A bunch of people rushed in, but none of them were Jungkook. I started to tear up. I wanted Jungkook and he wasn't here. Tears started to form in my eyes as some guy came up to me and started talking to me. I started to cry and got scared.

He tried to grab my arm and I wasn't having it. "NO!" I yelled. "Jimin, I'm just trying to help you," he said. "NO! I w-want my b-boyfriend," I said letting out more tears. The guy looked back at Namjoon and said something. Namjoon then looked at his phone and started doing something.

By now I was sobbing. I wanted Jungkook so badly. I miss him so much, I want to see him and be in his arms.

I watched as the guy told Namjoon and a few other people to wait outside. Now I was alone in the room with a lady and a guy. I continued sobbing, not knowing where I was, how I got here, and what happened.

The lady started walking closer to me and I yelled, "NO! Please!" She stayed back and looked at the guy. "Hi Jimin, I'm Dr. Choi," the male said. Doctor, am I in the Hospital? They both stayed back but didn't leave the room. I continued crying, but then I heard a knock on the door.

I didn't look up though. I figured it would just be another doctor or something. The nurse again walked closer to me and I started sobbing again and yelling. "Jimin." I heard someone say in a familiar voice.

Just Bandmates? || A Jikook StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon