~Chapter 3~

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Jungkook's POV

"Tae, Jungkook, come on, we need to start the v-live," Jin yelled more than loud enough for us to hear. Tae and I got up and went to the living room. I saw all the members waiting there already. I'm guessing they are waiting for seating arrangements.

"Jungkook, why don't you sit on the floor by Tae," Namjoon suggested. "Okay.," I said. "I kind of wanted to sit by Jimin but okay," I thought while sitting down.

Once everyone sat down Jin said there was a problem. Something just didn't look right. "Tae and Jimin, why don't you guys switch spots?" Jin said. Tae and Jimin swapped places and I was happy to sit by Jimin.

Tae, Yoongi, and Hobi were on the couch above Jimin and me, who sat on the floor. Jin and Namjoon were both in chairs on either side of us.

We started the v-live and talked to Army. Everything was going well until I saw a comment saying "Jikook is sitting by each other." "So Jikook is mine and Jimin's ship name." I thought.

I ended up getting lost in my thoughts, not realizing Hobi was saying my name. The v-live went on for about 35 minutes. We just talked about random things the whole time.

Eventually, we turned the v-live off and it was over. "Does anyone still need to pack for Japan?" Jin asked. Everyone raised their hands, except for Jimin. He was already packed I guess. "Everyone else, please go pack so we won't be late tomorrow," Jin said. "Okay," I said, heading towards the stairs.

Once I got to my bedroom, I began packing. I put a few days worth of clothes, my camera, and a few other things. After packing, I went to Tae's room because I wanted to talk about a few things.

Jimin's POV

I had already finished packing and I didn't know what to do. I played on my phone for a little while but then got bored. I decided to go to Tae's room and see what he was doing. Once I got to his door I heard voices in his room.

Because I am noisy, I slightly opened the door and listened in on the conversation. "I just think I should tell him how I feel. I don't want to keep the feelings hidden anymore. What if Jimin doesn't like me this way?" I heard Jungkook say.

Before they saw me, I closed the door and walked to Jin's room. "Jin-Hyung, can I talk to you?" I asked while knocking on the door. When Jin opened the door, I saw Namjoon laying in Jin's bed.

"Oh... Jimin what do you need?" he asked. "Um, can I talk to you, I can wait if it's a bad time," I said. "No, its fine," he said, letting me in. I walked in and sat on a chair next to the bed. "Okay Jimin, what is it?" he asked.

"Well, I heard Jungkook talking about me to Tae. One thing he said was 'What if Jimin-Hyung doesn't like me that way?' I just don't know what to think now," I said.

"Um... maybe Jungkook likes you," Jin said. "Either way just try not to think about it, And don't make it awkward between you two, then he will know you know something," Namjoon said, sitting up.

"Okay, Thanks for the help. Sorry if I interrupted whatever you guys were doing," I said heading towards the door. "It's fine," Jin said.

I walked out and went back to the living room. I turned on the t.v and nothing was on. The only thing that was on was Train to Busan. I clicked on the movie and just pulled out my phone.

Jungkook's POV

After talking to Tae about Jimin I feel a little better. I also concluded that I want to tell Jimin, even if he doesn't like me back. The only problem is I have to tell him today, tomorrow, or Wednesday. I don't want to tell him while we are in Japan because we will never be alone with one another.

I walked to the living room and Jimin was watching t.v. "Hey Jimin," I said, purposely dropping the word Hyung. I know he gets flustered when I don't say 'Hyung.'

"Oh... Hi Jungkook and that's Hyung to you," he said. "What movie are you watching?" I asked, not to correct myself. "Train to Busan Again," he said laughing a little. I sat next to him and watched the movie. Throughout the movie, I was contemplating whether or not to tell him.

Once the movie got over, I saw Jimin getting up. "Hyung wait," I said pausing, while he turned around. "Um... I need to tell you something," "I'm listening," he said, putting his full attention on me. "Um..." I had another long pause.

"Can we ride by each other on the plane to Japan?" I asked, blowing my original plan to tell him my feelings. I felt so stupid that I couldn't tell him. "Sure," he said. "Goodnight," he said walking out.

I was so disappointed in myself. I walked upstairs and went to Tae's room. I knocked and opened the door. "Tae-Hyung, I am so stupid. I messed up," I said sitting next to him. "Okay, tell me what happened," he said now focusing all his attention on me. "Okay well..." I started.

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