~Chapter 33~

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Jin's POV

Joonie and I just arrived at Metlife Stadium. We walked in the dressing room and I saw Jungkook and Jimin getting their hair and makeup done. There is tension in the room and I'm sure everyone can feel it, including the stylists.

"Hyung, please just let it go," Joonie said. "No, he deserves this. He needs to understand he was rude. It's just for the night, then I'll make him breakfast in the morning," I said.

"I hope you know what you're doing. I know Kook relies on you a lot and it's hard on him without you by his side supporting you," he said. "I'm sure it's fine," I said.

We both sat down and got our hair and makeup done. After all 7 of us were done, we made sure to say any corrections that we noticed last night to everyone, so we could correct them and make this concert even better.

After we were all done making corrections it was about 6:40 and the concert started at 7. We had about 20 minutes to relax before the concert started. I could hear fans starting to fill the stadium and I started to get nervous. It all became real again once we were getting our mics and had to go to the stage.

~Time Skip because I don't want to write about another whole concert~

Everything was going well. Jungkook and I hadn't blown up at each other yet and we acted 'normal.' Jimin and Jungkook didn't stay too close to each other or anything. That is until the goodbyes came.

It was Jimin's turn and he was the last one to speak. Armies started to shout his name and he started to cry. Jimin lowered himself to the floor and instead of just comforting him Jungkook leaned over him and whispered some things into his ears. Then, Jungkook started to suck on Jimin's ear and of course, it was caught on camera.

Eventually, they came out of their little world and stood up. Jimin finally gave his speech and we moved onto the last few songs. They went fine, but let me tell you I was not happy with Jungkook right now. And it centrally didn't help that we were already fighting before. We got off the stage and I started talking to Namjoon.

"Jungkook is asking to give his relationship away with sucking Jimin's ear on stage," I said. "Ya, well, I'll talk to him because you will lose it if you do," he said.

"But-" "I'm the leader, it's my job. I know you're older but, when it comes to this it is my responsibility," he said. "Fine," I said. "Now go get ready to go," he said, before kissing me.

Jungkook's POV

I knew Jin was furious that I sucked on Jimin's ear, but oh well. I didn't do it to make Jin mad, I did it because I love Jimin, making Jin even madder is just a plus. I changed into my normal clothes and sat down resting before going back to the hotel.

"Kook, I think you were pretty bold tonight," Namjoon said sitting in front of me. "Ya, sorry about that. I kind of got caught up in the moment," I said.

"I don't care, but the fans might. If you don't be more careful, you and Jimin will have to release your relationship," he said. "I know," I said.

"Oh and, Jin-Hyung is very mad. So try and avoid him for the rest of the night. I'm supposed to be lecturing you right now, but I figured you have had enough of those for one day," he said. "Thanks," I said.

I got up and went to find Jimin. He was sitting in a chair drinking some water. "Are you ready to go?" I asked. "Ya," he said, standing up. We walked out to the cars and got into one, ready to go back to the hotels.

Once we got back to the hotels, Jimin and I immediately changed into our pajamas and got into bed. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him goodnight.

"Goodnight, I love you Jiminie," I said. "Goodnight, love you too kookie," he said. With that we both fell asleep, not waking once throughout the night.

~In the morning~

Jin's POV

"Hyung wake up," Namjoon said, shaking my shoulder. "What," I said, opening my eyes and sitting up. "Aren't you making breakfast for kookie?" he asked. "Oh ya," I said getting up.

"What should I order," I thought, too lazy to make anything myself. I ordered all of his favorites and were now waiting for them to arrive. "Joonie can you get them in a few minutes?" I asked. "Sure," he said.

Eventually, the food arrived and I sat it on the table. Namjoon went to get Jungkook and now I was waiting for them to get back. Namjoon came back with Jungkook, who was still in his pajamas, looking tired.

He sat down in a chair across from me and looked at the table. His eyes lit up at the sight of his favorite food. "He looked up at me and asked, "Can I have some?" "Yes," I said.

He started grabbing food and filled his plate, I did the same. I knew eventually he would ask why I did this, but for now, I was just going to wait till he did.

He got about halfway through his plate when something finally clicked in his brain. He finished what he had in his mouth and looked like he was thinking about what to say.

"So, why am I here?" he asked. "Well, I wanted to apologize for how I acted yesterday and I do accept your apology," he said. "It took you overnight to say that?" he asked, kind of annoyed.


A/N: I do know that the ear sucking moment happened at rose bowl stadium, but for the sake of the story it happened at Metlife. I hope it's okay. Double upload! Hope you like the story!!

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