~Chapter 47~

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~While driving back to the dorms from the airport~

No One's POV

Jimin and Jungkook were about 10 minutes away from the dorms. The car ride was pretty silent since they were both caught up in their thoughts.

Jimin was worried sick about Jungkook, while Jungkook felt really guilty. He felt like he was letting the team down since he made them drop everything to go home. He felt like a disappointment.

"Jungkook, are you okay now?" Jimin asked him. "Ya, I think so," he answered. "I know you probably think you are disappointing us or army, but I can assure you you're not," Jimin said.

"You know you guys keep telling me that, but I don't think-" A loud crash stopped Jungkook and the car was hit. The car collided with a truck and rolled off the road. The car rolled several times before stopping upside down.

All the cars and people around them stopped. They ran to the boy's car, while others quickly called 911. Jungkook slowly gained consciousness but had very little strength. He heard faint sirens in the distance and looked at Jimin, who was passed out.

"Jimin," he whispered trying to move his hand. "I l-love y-you," he said in a shaky voice. Before his hand reached Jimin's, he passed out again.

A few minutes later, ambulances and cops arrived at the scene. Cops made the crowd of people stay back while paramedics went to the car. They were able to get Jungkook out of the car with little difficulties, unfortunately, Jimin had a few problems.

When a paramedic looked at Jimin inside the car, she realized he had a piece of metal in his side. "Guys, we need to hurry. This guy has a piece of metal in his side!" she yelled. Everyone started moving a lot faster to get supplies.

By the time they got Jimin out of the car and onto a stretcher, Jungkook was already halfway to the hospital. They quickly got Jimin into an ambulance and rushed him to the hospital. They didn't know how much blood Jimin had lost, but they knew it was already a lot.

When Jungkook got to the hospital, the doctors were informed about his condition. The doctor, Dr. Choi checked over Jungkook and his condition.

Dr. Choi said Jungkook was lucky and didn't suffer more than a few bruises and cuts. In fact, it was like a miracle he didn't break anything. Jungkook was still unconscious and he was being monitored closely.

5 minutes later Jimin was rushed into the hospital even faster than Jungkook. Blood was no longer coming out of the wound, but they needed to get the piece of metal out now.

"There is a piece of metal in his left side and it just missed all the main organs, but it needed to come out. We stopped the bleeding, but he has lost a lot of blood already," a paramedic said. "Okay, get him to the operating room, I'll get the other nurses.

The doctor got 4 nurses and they rushed to the operating room. They suited up and went in. Jimin was already given anesthesia and they were ready to start.

Namjoon's POV

Tae, Hobi, and Yoongi walked in the door and we all were sitting down again in silence. We all sat there for another 10 minutes just waiting. I was starting to get really worried. What if something did actually happen to them?

Ring. Ring. Ring.

I quickly got up and grabbed my phone. I checked the caller id and it was manager Sejin. I looked up at the boys and they were all looking at me. I pressed answer and put the phone up to my ear. I was more nervous to answer this phone call than going and performing on stage in front of thousands of people.

~On The Phone~



We have a problem.

W-What is it?

It's Jungkook and Jimin.

You guys need to get to the hospital. Like now!

Okay, we're on our way now.

Please hurry.



I hung up the phone and looked at them. "H-Hospital," was all I said. They all quickly got up and we were out the door within 10 seconds. Jin drove himself and I, while Yoongi drove Tae and Hobi.

"Jin, I can't believe this," I said. "I know, but we have to stay strong for them. It might be small or it could be big. But whatever it is we have to stay strong," he said.

Jin pulled into the parking lot and we quickly got out. We met up with Tae, Yoongi, and Hobi at the door and rushed to the front desk. We didn't care if people noticed us, we just needed to know how Jungkook and Jimin are.

The lady at the front desk looked up at us and seemed shocked. "She must know who we are," I thought. "Um, do you know where or how Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin are doing?" Hobi asked. She looked down at her computer and clicked a button a few times.

She looked up and said, "Please wait in the waiting room. The doctor will inform you in a little bit." "No, you need to tell us how they are," Tae argued, raising his voice. I looked at him and said, "Tae, come on let's go and wait. I'm sure they're okay. They are in good hands."

Tae nodded and we all walked to the waiting area. We sat down and waited. Hobi, Tae, and Yoongi sat in a corner, while Jin and I sat a few seats down. Not one of us talked the whole time. We sat there either staring at the wall, scrolling through our phones, or pacing anxiously.

Each time the door opened, we hoped it was a doctor or someone coming to tell us about Jimin and Jungkook or at least one of them. "Jinie, I don't know how much longer I can wait," I said. "I know, just a little longer okay," he said, running his fingers through his hair.

The doors opened and in walked a doctor, with two charts. "Uh, family or friends or Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook," he said. We all stood up and walked over to him.

"Dr. Choi," he said, shaking my hand. "Kim Namjoon," I said. "So, Jungkook and Jimin were in a big car crash," he started. "Jungkook only suffered minor injuries, like a few bruises and cuts."

We nodded relieved that Jungkook was okay, but then Yoongi asked, "And Jimin?" "Well, he had more major injuries," he said. "So like what?" Jin asked.

"Well, he has a few broken ribs and ended up with a metal piece in his left side. We removed the metal and fixed the broken ribs," Dr. Choi answered.

"Can we see them?" Tae asked. "Sure, Jungkook is in room 334 and Jimin is in 335," he said. "Thank you," I said bowing, before following the others.

Just Bandmates? || A Jikook StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora