~Chapter 48~

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Namjoon's POV

"Um, Namjoon!" Dr. Choi yelled. I turned around and asked, "ya?" "Um, Jimin is still asleep and probably won't be up for a few hours," he said.

"Okay, thanks," I said. I turned back around and went to find the rest of the group. "Guys, Jimin is still sleeping, so we should go see Jungkook first," I said. "Okay," Tae said.

We walked up to room 334 and stood there. "You guys ready?" I asked, before going in. "I think," Hobi said. "It's okay guys, just stay strong," I said. They nodded and we walked in.

When we walked in, I saw that Jungkook had cuts and bruises all over his arms and face. He hand wires on his arms and many machines taking his heartbeat and other things I didn't know. I can't even imagine what Jimin looks like if Jungkook looks like this.

Tae and Jin stood on his left side, while Yoongi and Hobi were on the left. I stood at the end of his bed, barely able to look at him. "Jungkook," Tae said, grabbing his hand. "Guys, I'm going to go see when he will wake up," I said.

I walked out of the room and went to find the doctor. "Dr. Choi, I have a question," I said, walking up behind him. "Do you know when Jungkook will wake up?" "He should any minute now," he answered. I nodded and walked back to the room.

"Any minute now," I said, walking in. "Okay, all we can do is wait," Yoongi said. "Some of us should go see Jimin and we can switch back and forth or something," Jin said. "I'll go," Hobi said. "Okay, I'll come with you," I said.

Hobi and I walked over one room, barely ready to see him. "Namjoon, it's okay. He's in good hands," he said as we reached the door. Hobi walked in and followed him.

I looked up and stopped, leaving me standing in the doorway. Jimin has initivated and a lot more wires in and on him than Jungkook. They were lying there and made it look like he was dead. Hobi sat down in a chair close to his bed and held his hand. I walked closer and sat down opposite to Hobi and held his other hand.

We just sat there looking at him, not knowing what to say or to say anything at all. I looked around the room and there were a lot of machines. Too many. They were all on doing who knows what. "Uh... I'm going to the bathroom," I said standing up. "Okay," he said, not even sparing me a glance.

I walked out of the room and just stood outside the door. I didn't have to use the bathroom, but I couldn't stand to see Jimin like that. I heard footsteps coming towards me, so I looked up. It was Jin. I sighed and looked back down. "I knew something was wrong," he said standing next to me. "A little," I replied. "Talk to me," he said.

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. "I have known Jimin for who knows how long," I said, fighting back tears. "But never once have I seen him like this. It's too much and I don't know how much longer I can stay strong for the group Jinie. I know I'm the leader and the example, but I'm about to lose it." I was seconds from breaking out in tears.

"Joonie, if you don't want to see them like this, then why don't you go home and get us some clothes and other things we might need," he said. "Okay." Jin hugged me and I hugged him back. I couldn't cry not now anyway.

"Listen Joon, you're okay. They are going to be okay," he said, kissing me. I kissed him back then walked out of the hospital to Jin's car. (A/N: Pretend he can drive in the story.)

Yoongi's POV

Jin walked in and he looked at Jungkook once again. "It's been 30 minutes, why hasn't he woken up!" he raised his voice. "Hyung, please we need to stay strong. If you're going to lash out, just go home," I said.

"That's where Joonie went," he said. "Why?" I asked. "He can't look at them like this. He had tears in his eyes," he said. "Oh, okay," I said.

"Hyung, Jungkook will wake up just give it time. He might wake up in five minutes or he might wake up in 5 hours," I said. "Okay," he said, sitting back down.

~1 Hour Later~

"Joonie's back," Jin announced, walking back in with a bag. "Bag?" I asked. "Clothes and other things Joon brought," he answered. "Yoongi," someone said in a shaking voice. Everyone, including me, turned to look at Jungkook. He was opening his eyes looking at us. "Jungkook!" Tae said excitedly.

Jungkook looked very confused. "Do you remember what happened at all?" I asked. "Uh... I was in a car crash I think," he said. "Yes, anything else?" Jin asked. "Uh, not really. My head hurts," he said. "I'll get the doctor," Joon said.

Namjoon came back with the doctor and we all looked at them. "Jungkook, I'm glad you're awake," Dr. Choi said. "Ya, my head hurts," Jungkook repeated. "I'll get some medicine," Choi said.

"So, do you remember anything?" Choi asked. "Um... A car crash. Uh, coming from the airport and... uh... JIMIN. Jimin was there," Jungkook said. "Yes, he was," Choi said.

"Where is Jimin. I need to see him," Jungkook said, trying to get up. "Jungkook no!" I said. "But Jimin, where is he?" Jungkook asked.

Everyone exchanged glances, then finally Jin said, "In another room." "Is he okay? Can I see him?" Jungkook asked again. "Not now Jungkook," Tae said. "Can one of you come out," Choi said. "Sure," I said.

I walked out with Dr. Choi and we went a few doors away from Jungkook's room. "So, I want to be honest with you and your friends. We did expect Jungkook to wake up, but we don't know when or if Jimin will wake up," he said.

"W-What do you mean," I asked. "Jimin is in a coma and we don't know if he will wake up anytime soon," he said again. "O-Okay," I said, unable to process this.

The doctor left me standing there and I couldn't move. Jimin has to wake up. He has to. I stood there for another 5 minutes before slowly walking back to Jungkook's room. I'm not one to cry, but tears were forming in my eyes. I walked in Jungkook's room and everyone looked at me.

I pulled Jin out of the room and Tae followed. "He um... might not wake up," I said, fighting back the tears. "What do you mean?" Tae asked. "Jimin is in a c-coma," I said. "But t-there's a c-chance he'll w-wake up."

"So, how are we supposed to tell Jungkook. He's never going to stop talking about him," Jin asked. "I don't know," Tae said. "Let's just start with Namjoon and Hobi, I'll tell them too," I said.

I walked to Jimin's room and went in. He looked even worse than Jungkook. Namjoon and Hobi looked at me and both stood up. "Uh, the good news is Jungkook is awake. And the bad news is Jimin is in a coma and might not wake up," I said.

"No, no, no he has to wake up. He has to," Namjoon started crying. "Joonie, it's okay. He'll be okay. We just have to think positive," I said. "Hoseok, go get Jin-Hyung like now." Hobi ran out of the room, while Namjoon cried in my arms.

"Namjoon, it's going to be okay," I said, trying to comfort him. Hoseok and Jin walked back in and Jin looked at Namjoon. I let go of Namjoon and Jin hugged him, replacing me. Jin and Namjoon walked out leaving Hoseok and me to observe Jimin.

"Yoongs, do you think he'll wake up?" Hobi asked me. "I have a good feeling. I don't know what we would do without him, especially Jungkook," I said. "Speaking of him, does he know about Jimin?" he asked. "No, and we don't know how to tell him," I said. "I don't know either," he said.

We both sat down and got caught up in our thoughts. What if Jimin doesn't wake up? How will Jungkook react? What will army do? How long will we wait and wait? Is Jungkook going to lose it? All these questions were going through my mind and I wasn't able to answer one of them. 

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