~ Gøòdbÿê fõręvēr Pt.3~

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I was on my way home from work, I had to get started on fixing everything in Cooper's room. I swear that boy just has no respect what so ever! I don't understand what is wrong with that boy... I honestly think he does this just to get on Grace's nerves.

I hate seeing Grace cry, and all because of Cooper. I really do feel bad for her, she shouldn't have to deal with Cooper being so rude and arrogant.

I got home, turned off the car and made my way inside. I put my key in the door, only to find that the door was already unlocked.


I opened the door and an off smell hit me, god... what even is it. I followed the smell up the stairs, stopping in front of Cooper's room.

Of course...

I let out a sigh as I pushed open the door, only to gasp at the sight in front of me. I ran over to Cooper, dropping down beside his ghostly pale, limp body. Blood surrounded him, coming from his arms and upper thighs. Oh my god...

D-did he?

I pulled out my phone, calling 911. I tried to check Cooper's pulse, I couldn't feel it at his wrist, so I tried his neck. I let out a small sigh at the faint pulse.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Yes, I need an ambulance sent to 73 Summerfield ave please! I came home to find my stepson in his room, he's lying in a puddle of his own blood and he only just has a pulse. Please, I need an ambulance now!!" I said into the phone, trying to remain as calm as I could.

"Okay sir, an ambulance is on its way, please stay on the line in case anything happens." The woman said, I nodded my head as I moved closer to Cooper, lifting up and holding his cold body close to mine. I didn't care about the blood, all I could think about was Cooper...

Was this his attempt at suicide?

I don't know how long I had sat here for until I finally heard the paramedics, I shouted out, calling them upstairs. They got Cooper on a stretcher before taking him to the ambulance. "Are you coming on the ambulance sir?"

"I'll meet you at the hospital, just get him there quickly, please." They sped off in the ambulance, I made my way back upstairs and into Cooper's room.

Why? Why would he do this?

As I was looking around, something caught my eye. I walked over to his drawers, four letters were there. I picked them up, To Xavier, To Felicity, To Damian, To whom it may concern.

What are these?


I was sitting at my table at lunch, Justin and Anthony were talking about who knows what, I was zoning out, thinking about Cooper. "Blake! You good?" Anthony asked me, I looked up at him, both of them were waiting for me, the whole cafeteria was empty. "Hey?"

"Dude, the bell went. Come on, let's go!" I stood up, grabbing my bag and following Anthony to our next class. Once we got there, everyone was already there, waiting for the teacher to come.

Anthony and I took our seats near the back, I looked across to where Cooper would sit, only to see his seat was empty. He must have ditched again.

Xavier and Zeke walked into class, taking Cooper's seat as they sat down. They looked awfully cocky... like they had just done something completely and awfully stupid.

The teacher finally came in, and so the lesson started. I kept zoning out, my mind constantly drifting to Cooper. Anthony had to keep tapping my shoulder, making sure I hadn't dozed off.

"Blake, could you please try and pay attention in class?" The teacher asked, catching my attention. "Sorry sir, just not in the zone today." I said with an awkward smile, the teacher nodded understandingly. "Maybe a bit more sleep could help okay?" I nodded my head, the teacher got back to teaching the class.

Just as the teacher was about to say something, the door burst open, dad walked into the room. He looked around the room, catching my eyes before meeting Xavier's. "Boys, get up, we have to go." Dad said. "What? Why? Where the hell do we have to go?!" Xavier said, I have no clue why he's arguing, he usually loves leaving class...

Dad spun back to face Xavier, a look in his eye I had only seen once before... "You better shut your mouth boy, you are already on thin ice, I suggest you keep quiet before you dig yourself six feet under." Dad growled out, Xavier went quiet as he grabbed his bag and stood up. I did the same, sending Anthony a small smile before leaving.

We followed dad out to the car, he hopped in the front, Xavier and I got in the back. We both stayed quiet, knowing that was best. Dad sat in silence, but I could feel the anger radiating off of him. "Do you boys know where Cooper is?" He asked in a scarily calm way, I looked at Xavier before turning back to dad. "No... I haven't seen him at all today..." I said, Dad nodded his head before turning to Xavier. "What about you Xave? Have you seen Cooper today?"

"Y-Yeah... he was in my third class... then he left."

"Did you follow him?"

"No." Dad scowled at Xavier, his anger seeming to build. "Do not lie to me Xavier, you are already in a shit tone of trouble so you better tell me the truth!"

"I saw him walking home! That was it!" Dad slammed his hand on the armrest in the car, causing me to jump. "I have had enough of your shit Xavier!! This is fucking unacceptable!!" Dad threw an envelope at Xavier, although it had already been opened. "I want you to read the highlighted sentence Xavier." Dad said calmly, Xavier pulled the letter out and looked for the highlighted part. "And read it out loud." Dad added.

"I'm so sick of the bullying, the beatings, the notes in my locker, the texts from god knows who, I'm sick of constantly being told I'm unwanted, that I'm just a burden and that everybody hates me..." Xavier read, I raised an eyebrow as I turned back to dad who had now started the car, leaving the parking lot and driving off. "Do you understand what's on that page?"


"Physical bullying, emotional, social and cyber... four types of bullying... do you understand who wrote that?" Dad asked, keeping his eyes on the road. Xavier shook his head, I took the note from Xavier's hands, skimming over the words on the page. "D-Dad... what is this?"

"These," Dad held up three other letters, one of them had Xavier's name on it, that had been opened too.

"-are Cooper's Suicide letters."

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒, 𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒Where stories live. Discover now