~New years eve Pt.2~

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It was around 9 p.m now, we were all sitting around the living room eating a late dinner. Felicity and I were sitting in front of the fire, my back was nice and warm... even though I had about three layers of clothing on... don't you judge me...

Felicity was sitting between my legs, resting back on chest as she happily munched on her dinner. I had nothing left on my plate so me deciding to be the dumbass I am, stabbed my fork into one of Felicity's chicken nuggets. I quickly ate it as she looked at me with such sadness in her eyes, I bit my lip to hold back the smile.

"What's the matter Felicity?" I asked with amusement, her bottom lip pouted out as she turned back to her plate. "You took one of my chicken nuggets..." She whined, causing me to let out a laugh. "It's not funny."

"Oh no it is funny princess, it's only a chicken nugget." I said, Felicity crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh, please don't be mad at me princess... I'm sorry okay?"

"No, non ti perdonerò così facilmente Cooper." [I won't forgive you so easily Cooper.] She said, this time I pouted my lips. "Abbastanza per favore principessa..." [Pretty please Princess...] I said, wrapping my arms around her torso and placing my head in the crook of her neck. "Done flirting with your girlfriend over there?" Quinton asked sarcastically, a smirk grew on my face.

"Fai solo finta di averti detto qualcosa di veramente sporco, arrossendo o nascondendo la tua faccia, voglio vedere la loro reazione." [Just pretend I said something really dirty to you, either blush or hide your face, I want to see their reaction.] I whispered in her ear, Felicity gasped, playing along with me. She managed to force a blush on her face before hiding it, sinking back into my arms. I let out a laugh as both Quinton and Zach had a shocked look on their faces. "W-what did you say?" Zach asked.

"That talk stays in the bedroom..." Mom started choking on her water as every adult turned to look at Felicity and I. Felicity actually blushed this time as she hid her face in my chest. "What?" I asked everyone, my mom had wide eyes as she looked at me. "What did you just say?" She asked dangerously, I turned to Damian. "Dude, you gotta help me out of this." Damian shook his head with a laugh. "You dug yourself into this shit mate, get yourself out of it." He said, amused at my current situation.

"Okay, I actually didn't say anything bad." I said, putting my hands up in the air. "Then why did you say 'That talk stays in the bedroom'?" Mom asked, looking at me with a pissed look. "You better not have done what I think you've done." Now it was my turn to blush, I looked around when I saw Harrison's Alexa thingy. "Hey Alexa! Translate this! Fai solo finta di averti detto qualcosa di veramente sporco, arrossendo o nascondendo la tua faccia, voglio vedere la loro reazione."

"Translating... Just pretend I said something really dirty to you, either blush or hide your face, I want to see their reaction." She said in her robotic voice, I threw my hands up in the air. "See! I didn't say anything dirty! Promise!" I said, letting out an awkward laugh as I could feel the blush growing on my face. "As long as you aren't doing anything... dirty... with Felicity." Mom said, can I get any redder? "Penso che questo sia il peggio che tua mamma ci ha scelto..." [I think this is the worst your mama has picked on us...]

"Sono completamente d'accordo principesse... Sembri un pomodoro però." [I completely agree princess... You look like a tomato though.] I said with a small laugh at the end, Felicity elbowed me in the stomach. I hunched over, letting out a groan as I buried my head in Felicity's neck. "Non era una bella principessa..." [That wasn't nice princess...] I said, smirking as I started to tickle Felicity.

She let out a squeal before bursting into a fit of laughter, trying to wriggle out of my hold. I wouldn't let her go, I kept tickling her. "Fermare! Per favore fermiti! Mi arrendo! Mi arrendo! Per favore! Per favore!" [Stop! Please stop! I surrender! I surrender! Please! Please!] She squeaked out between giggles, I gave in and stopped, letting her actually breath.

I checked the time again, 11:57. "Not much longer now till New Years aye..." I said into Felicity's ear, she looked at me weirdly before checking my phone. "Oh my god! It's almost New Years! Three more minutes!" Felicity shouted, catching everyone's attention.

"Come on! Let's head outside and find a spot to look at the fireworks!" Harrison said, we all nodded as we started to walk outside. I helped Felicity up, holding her hand as we made our way outside.

Felicity walked off, going to find a spot for us. I turned around to see Damian looking at me, silently asking for me to go over. "I'll find you in a minute Felicity, I just have to talk to someone." I whispered to her, she nodded her head with a smile before walking off. I turned around and made my way over to Damian.

"What's up man?"

"Dude, tonight's the night aye." Damian said with a smirk, I looked at him with an eye brow raised. "What do you mean?" I asked, Damian looked at me as though I was the most stupidest person he had ever seen...

I probably was...

Damian ran a hand through his hair, letting out a sigh of frustration. "You can't seriously be that blind can you?!?! Dude! Make a move already! Second the clock hits zero, kiss her! I know you've been wanting to dude!" I felt my cheeks flare up, it's not that obvious... right?

"I-I don't know what you're talking about..." I said, scratching my neck awkwardly as I avoided his gaze. I heard Damian let out a laugh, causing me to turn to him. "I've seen the way you look at her! You love her dude! It's the same way my mum and dad look at each other, like their the most amazing thing in the world!! You look at Felicity like she's your entire life! Just grow a pair of balls and kiss her, right when the clock hits zero!"

I looked back at Felicity, was Damian right? Did I really look at Felicity like that? "See! You're looking at her with that sparkle in your eyes! Your smile widens, your mood softens and your eyes brighten! You love her man... just kiss her already!"

"If I do it will you shut up?" I asked sarcastically, Damian let out a chuckle but nodded his head. "Look, I've not known you for that long, but I sure as hell know that that girl over there... she makes your life so much better... I know I'm not wrong." Damian said, a small smile on his face. I looked back at Felicity as I nodded my head, he was right, she has made my life so much better.

"Fine, I'll kiss her when the clock hits zero okay?"

"Hell yes!"

"Why are you more excited than I am?" I asked with a laugh, Damian gave me a genuine smile.

"I just want to see you happy..."

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒, 𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒Where stories live. Discover now