~Please... come back!~

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"No!!! Please!! Jax, come back!! Please!!" I screamed, holding my head in my hands as I sobbed. I'd just woken up from the dream... the night mare...

I had screamed when I woke up, my whole body felt on fire as I scrambled out of my bed, collapsing to the floor before crying out for Jax.

"PLEASE!! COME BACK!!! I NEED YOU JAX!!! PLEAS-e!!" My voice cracked at the end as my throat began to ache, my cries now filling the silence.

My bedroom door burst open, someone came rushing in but I didn't know who. I just continued to cry, calling out for Jax, begging for him to come back. "JAX!! PLEASE!!! COME BACK, DON'T GO!!"

I felt someone wrap their arms around me, pulling me into a hug. I gripped onto their shirt, crying into their chest as I called for Jax. "Calm down buddy, calm down please. I'm right here Cooper, I'm right here." I heard someone whisper into my ear. "Jax! Please! Come back!"

They rocked my back and forth, holding me tightly as my body shook from my sobs. I could still feel the pain, them ripping me apart and feeding on me. I could still feel Suicide drinking my blood, bathing in the taste of my essence.

I don't know how long I was like this, but my sobs finally stopped. Small whimpers and hiccups escaped my lips as I stared at my drawer, the picture of Jax and I on Dad's shoulders. "There we go..." I heard the voice say before I was lifted into the air, placed back on my bed.

I curled up into a ball, hugging my body as it shook slightly. "I... I want F-Felicity..." I heard myself muttering out, my eyes slipping closed. "I... I need her..." I whispered out before I was pulled into the darkness, this time, no dreams or nightmares... just the peaceful silence...


I woke up to the feeling of someone playing with my hair, I ignored it as I snuggled further into my pillow. I still felt someone playing with my hair, I honestly couldn't care less right now.

"Cooper?" I heard her voice say, I opened one eye to see Felicity sitting beside me, playing with my hair. "W-What are you doing here?" I asked, sitting up slightly as I rubbed my eyes. "James called me, he said you had a nightmare around six this morning and before you fell asleep again you apparently said you wanted me..." She said, trailing off with the last part.

I tried my hardest to remember what happened, the nightmare coming back to me vividly. The six beating me up, Jax coming along, blaming me for their death, changing into a demon. Then those three others popped up, Suicide, Agony and Misery... Sam... then they ripped me apart, feasting on me, I could feel everything.

"It's not just Diesel anymore... there's Sam too..." I said, feeling tears well in the corners of my eyes. If Jax had left... will 'Sam' come back? Or will he become someone different? "Sam?" Felicity asked, I nodded my head as I stared down at my hands. "Suicide, Agony and Misery. Sam."

Felicity crawled over to me, pulling me into a hug as flashes of the nightmare invaded my mind. "Jax was there... he looked exactly like me but he had darker hair and lighter eyes... his hair was pulled back in a man bun and he was wearing the same clothes as the day he died... he told me he hated me, that it was all my fault, it's my fault they're dead."

"Don't say that Cooper, it's not your fault. You can't blame yourself okay? But I'm here if you want to talk about it." She said, brushing her fingers soothingly through my hair. "I want to go get something to eat, I'll be back in a second." I said, hopping up and making my way downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen, straight to the fridge to find the melted chocolate and the strawberries. I put the chocolate in the microwave, remelting it so it was easy to dip.

"Cooper? You okay buddy?" Harrison asked as he walked into the kitchen, I nodded my head. "You just seemed to freak out a lot after the nightmare, we woke up to screaming and found you on the floor of your bedroom... calling out to Jax..."

"Uh- Y-Yeah... I just had a dream about him... that's all..." I said, the vision of Jax with horns and broken wings coming to mind. The microwave beeped, telling me it was done. I opened the door, pulling out the newly melted chocolate before picking up the strawberries and heading back upstairs.

I shut the door behind me, climbing back onto my bed where Felicity was reclining. She moved forward as I sat down, moving between my legs. She turned around so that she could face me, a smile on her face as she dipped a strawberry in the chocolate.

"So... what happened?" She asked, taking a bite of the strawberry. I let out a small sigh as I placed a strawberry in my mouth. "It was like any other time, the six of them were punching me, saying horrible things and just making my dreams' Hell. Then this voice told them to stop, that voice was Jax. He walked over and I begged for him to help me, to take me away, take me with him- anything to get rid of the pain... but then he said, 'I never said I'd help you... I just couldn't let them have all of the fun...'"

"He changed, he turned into one of them but he was still human in a way... he had three friends... Suicide, Agony and Misery. He started telling me it was my fault, I'm the reason they're dead and he's like this. He told me he hated me... He started to strangle me, rambling on about how he hates me, how it's my fault... I told him I was sorry and he stopped. He looked at himself as though he were a monster, he started to fade away, begging for me to help him."

"I couldn't, so he faded away... but Suicide, Agony and Misery stayed. I started to cry because Jax was gone, the nine of them laughed as they shad made their way towards me. The grabbed my limbs and started to pull me in every direction... I could feel everything, from my bones breaking to my skin ripping... I felt it all..."

"They ripped open my stomach and... they began to eat me... pulling my organs out and eating them as though it were a steak of meat... They scratched me, bit me and ripped me. Before I woke up, I heard Jax. That's why when I woke up, I screamed for him, I cried hoping he would come back... but he didn't." I could feel tears in my eyes as I briefly explained the dream to Felicity, I was scared, I really was. Not only do I have Diesel, but now I have Sam... nine voices that I can't escape anymore...

I'm scared of what's to come...

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒, 𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒Where stories live. Discover now