~"Last week! Lets gooo!"~

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They screamed at me, all of them. I held my hands over my ears, crying loudly, trying to drown out their voices.

But I can't, I never can, I can't get rid of them. All six of them are here to stay, I'm stuck with them.

They ran towards me, starting to hit me with their claws, their horns and their voices. I screamed and cried, trying to cover my body as much as I could.

I could feel my blood pooling around me, my mind beginning to swirl, I felt dizzy. I fell to the floor, my eye lids becoming heavy. They stopped, laughing menacingly as they walked away, leaving me drowning in my blood and tears.

I woke up with a jump, my head and my arm aching. I got up and went to my bathroom, deciding to get ready for the day because I knew I wouldn't get back to sleep. I took off the bandages, placing them in the bin before getting in the shower.

I took a long forty minute shower, trying to let the hot water burn away the pain I had. When the water started to go cold, I got out. I wrapped a towel around my waist, making my way over to the sink and pulling out more torniquete. I pulled off a small strip, that's all I needed.

Once I had wrapped it around my arm, I made my way into my bedroom to get some clothes. I need to hide the bandages, so what do I wear?

I pulled out my white long sleeve shirt, throwing it on before grabbing my AC/DC Black shirt and putting it on over top my white shirt. I got out some blue ripped jeans and put those on, I put my shoes from yesterday back on.

I went back into my bathroom and grabbed a small towel to dry my hair. After it was dry, I just ruffled it around, leaving it looking neat but messy.

I went back into my bedroom and flopped down on my bed, I grabbed my phone to check the time. 5:38 a.m. I groaned as I dropped my phone back onto the bedside table, I put my hands over my face, rubbing away the annoyance that was starting to build.

These next few nights, I won't be able to sleep, I know that for a fact. Worst bit is, this is the last week before our school closes for the holidays. And before the holidays, Zeke always makes sure to get me good.

Final exams already passed which is good, and I only have two more years of this shit so it shouldn't be bad... right? Who am I kidding, of course it's going to be bad.

A knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts, making my head snap towards the door. "Come in!" I shouted, my door opened and James walked in. "Hey dude, it's time to get ready for school."

"I don't know if my room is just that dark but I'm already ready." I said with a small laugh, James flicked my light on. I covered my eyes, groaning at how bright it was. "Okay that was unnecessary!" I said, I only heard James laugh in response.

"Oh dude you are ready... damn, how long have you been up?"

"I have absolutely no clue, now run along, shouldn't you get ready?" I asked, James chuckled as he walked away leaving my light on. I groaned as I sat up, grabbing my phone and leaving my room.

I made my way downstairs, everyone was in the kitchen eating breakfast. I went into the kitchen to eat, Why bother? You aren't hungry... I heard Emptiness say, I let out a sigh as I walked further into the kitchen to grab my wallet. "Aren't you going to eat Cooper?" Mom asked.

We don't need food! We want pain! Depression shouted, I closed my eyes for a second before looking at mom. "I'm not hungry." I said, placing my wallet in my bag before picking it up and slinging it over my shoulder. "Leaving already?"

"I'm going to meet Damian." I said as I sent him a text, telling him I'd meet him at his house, I went to leave the house. "At least take an apple Cooper..." Mom said, I sighed as I picked up an apple. I took a bite as I walked out, once I was far enough away from the house I spat the piece of apple out, throwing the rest into a bush.

I'm not hungry, I don't want to eat, I just want to sleep. I want to sleep and I don't want to wake up, but I always wake up. I just want to bury myself in music, drowning out the rest of the world as I slowly find eternal peace.

But sadly, I don't get any of that. I don't get the peace I want, instead I'm stuck with six voices in my head, hammering away and making me feel worse. We aren't that bad Cooper...

We don't won't you to be lonely right?

"No, but you make me feel insane."

Everyone is insane, sanity isn't real! You're just different...

"I'm fucked up."

Why are you thinking so low of yourself Cooper... Don't be so down!

I couldn't help the sarcastic chuckle, god, I'm having an argument with the voices in my head... and their winning.

I looked up and saw that I was at Damian's house. He came out of the door, a smile on his face. "It's the last week! Let's gooo!" Damian shouted, causing me to laugh as I shook my head.

We made our way to school, talking about our family's on the way their. Damian complained about his three cousins, who are girls and are practically Stacey duplicates and that he wouldn't be surprised if they got pregnant from their own cousins!

"Why are cousins always either the worst ones or the best. Like, you could have a cousin that is more of a sibling than your actual sibling or they're like, a complete stranger to you." I said, Damian eyes widened before he nodded in response. "At least your family won't have incest." He muttered, causing me to burst out laughing.

We both looked at each other, a smirk on our faces. "SWEET HOME ALABAMA!!" We shout/sang, we both burst out laughing, literally clutching our stomachs from laughing so much.

Once we got to school, we made our way to our lockers, Felicity was waiting by mine. A smile crossed over my face as I bumped shoulders with her, causing her to look up at me. A smile crept onto her face as she gave me a side hug before giving Damian a high five.

"Last week of school... I can't wait to get out of this hell hole!" Damian said dramatically, causing Felicity and I to laugh.

Let's just hope the last few days aren't hell...

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒, 𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒Where stories live. Discover now