~Crash and burn Pt.1~

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*A few weeks later*

Cooper had been going downhill ever since that day, he stopped talking to people, including his own mother. He stayed in his room a lot more, if he wasn't there, he was somewhere in town creating whatever mischief he could. He was constantly on watch from the police, brought home almost every night with his hands cuffed behind his back.

Cooper fought with his mother, a lot at that. Always ending with someone in tears, mostly Grace. Cooper would be back an hour or so later, a police or two standing behind him. Needless to say, Cooper was becoming emptier, shallower, short tempered and drunk. Almost always drunk.

Just like tonight, Cooper was casually walking down the street, a beer in his hand, five bottles already finished. A man walked past him, accidentally bumping his shoulder. Cooper spun around, his anger growing as he strode towards the guy. "Hey?! What's your fucking problem?!" Cooper slurred, the man looked at him confused. "Excuse me?"

"You shoved me?! The fuck is your problem?!" He shouted, the man tried to calm Cooper down, only making him madder. Cooper threw a punch, hitting the man straight in the jaw. A passerby-r saw this, immediately calling the cops.

Cooper kept fighting the poor man, whom had only thrown in a punch or two while Cooper laid punch after punch upon the poor bugger.

Not long after, the police finally showed up, letting out a sigh as they noticed Cooper straight away. The made their way over, pulling Cooper off of the man and immediately cuffing his hands. "Why are you cuffing me?! He shoved me!" Cooper spat, the officer turned to Cooper. "Did you hit him first?" The officer asked, Cooper shyly nodded his head. "Come on Cooper, lets get you home, I'm sure Grace is worried about you."

The sat Cooper down in the car, one of the officers called another before getting in the car. "Officer Rivera is coming to check the guy out, let's get you home Cooper."

They began to drive away, the drive was silent, that was until Cooper spoke up. "Everyone hates me." Cooper spoke up, one of the officers turned to look at him. "No one hates you Cooper."

"No, everyone hates me. My dad and brother hated me... that's why they left isn't it? Mom probably can't stand me at the moment, I know one of my stepbrothers absolutely hates me. A-and the girl I loved, she lied to me, she left. So did my best friend, he called me pathetic because I still loved her. N-no one cares, they just hate me. Everyone fucking hates me."

"Language buddy. Look, I'm sure no one hates you okay? This kind of thing happens in life-"

"But not like it happens to me!! I let people in, I learn to accept them and treat them like family! But the second they see what I'm really like, bam! Gone like a boyfriend who just found out the girlfriends dad is home... except, they don't come back. They leave, forever. I mean, it probably won't be long until mom favourites Harrison over me... o-or even Harrison's kids... and where does that leave me? Alone! Alone like I always am! The outcast, the mistake, the pathetic child who everybody hates!" Cooper ranted, by the time he was finished, they had pulled up in front of the house.

"Come on Cooper, let's get you home." The officers got out of the car, holding the door open for Cooper. Cooper got out, making his way to the door, already knowing the routine. One of the officers knocked on the door, seconds later, Harrison opened the door. He let out a sigh as he saw Cooper, they undid the handcuffs, which Cooper was grateful for. "Thank you officers, we will try and sort him out." With that, the officers left.

Cooper stepped inside, Harrison placed his hand on Cooper's shoulder to guide him. Cooper shoved Harrison's hand away, glaring at him as he did so. "Don't touch me." Cooper growled out, Harrison glared at Cooper. "Living room. Now."

"I don't have to do jack shit!" Cooper said, making his way towards the stairs. Grace grabbed ahold of his arm, dragging him towards the living room. "Let go of me you bitch!!" Cooper shouted, prying Grace's fingers off of his arm. "Cooper!! You do not dare call your mother a bitch!!" Harrison scolded Cooper, to which he got a glare in return. "Fuck up Harrison!! I'm not talking to you!!" Cooper shouted back.

Grace tried to pull Cooper, Cooper didn't like that. "Let go you bitch!!" He shouted as he pushed Grace back, causing her to stumble to the floor. Harrison didn't think twice before his hand came in contact with Cooper's cheek.

Cooper stood frozen, trying to process what just happened. He slowly turned to Harrison, who was helping Grace off of the floor. Once she was up, they both turned to face Cooper. "I am so sick of your crap Cooper! This is ridiculous!! You can't go out and get drunk, you can't go starting fights and you cannot just shout at me like that!! This is not okay!!" Grace shouted at Cooper, tears sliding down her cheeks.

"I didn't raise my son to be like this!! No son of mine would dare hurt people!! He wouldn't go out getting drunk!! He wouldn't smoke, steal or vandalise things!!" She finished, Cooper looked at them emotionless. "Then I'm no son of yours." He spat at Grace, then turned to Harrison. "I fucking hate you." He looked between the both of them. "I wish I had of been in that car." He growled out before storming to his bedroom, making sure to punch a whole in the wall on the way past.

Once he entered his room, he shut and locked the door, he let out a scream of rage. He pulled at his hair, his scalp burning at the strain. He screamed and screamed, his voice beginning to break but he didn't care. He just screamed.

But not once did he cry, not a single tear shed.

He wasn't sad, he wasn't upset. He wouldn't lie down and cry, he wouldn't sit there and whimper...

No, because he wasn't sad.

He was just angry...

He was angry at the world.

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒, 𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒Where stories live. Discover now