~Damian and Stacey~

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm this morning, I had slept alright last night. Sometime in the evening, James had brought me some painkillers for the headache I had. After that, I slept the rest of the night.

I got ready for school, throwing on some jeans and a black hoodie. I messed around with my hair so that it looked at least decent, I brushed my teeth and went downstairs.

Carlos and James were in the kitchen, Carlos was eating breakfast while James was standing by the stove top. I made my way over, James turned to me and smiled. "You hungry?"

"A little?" I asked more than said, I know I haven't eaten in like two days but I just don't feel like eating. But I know I need to. James handed me a plate of bacon and eggs, I smiled as I took the plate from him. I sat down near Carlos, leaving two seats between us.

As I was eating, Blake and Xavier came into the room. Blake smiled at me but Xavier glared. I rolled my eyes at him before focusing back on my breakfast.

As I was placing some food in my mouth, my phone rang. I smiled as I saw Felicity's face light up on my screen, it was a picture of her when we went to the lake, she had been near the waterfall when I took the photo, her arms high in the air.

"Hello?" I answered, waiting for her sweet voice to ring through the phone. "Hey Coop, how are you feeling this morning?"

"I'm alright, thank you Princess. Now, what medication did you give me yesterday?" I asked quietly, not really wanting my step brothers to eavesdrop. "I gave you Effexor." I felt my stomach drop as she said that, my mouth felt dry as I tried to speak.

"A-anti depressants..." I muttered. "Yeah... I'm sorry Cooper but I had to! I just wanted you to be okay!"

"It's not your fault it's just- I guess we both know how fucked my mind is right?" I said as I stood up, walking over to the medical cabinet. I grabbed the bottle, looking it over as I felt a lump in my throat. "H-how many? Do I need to take any?" I asked, my voice cracking at the end.


"Felicity..." I mocked, although I was completely serious. "How. Many."

"Two. Once a day." She said in a small voice, I nodded my head, when silence went through the phone I remembered she couldn't see me. "Thank you Felicity. I'll see you soon okay?"

"Okay, bye Cooper!" I smiled as she hung up the phone, letting the long beep ring through my ear. My smile quickly fell as I looked at the bottled pills in my hands. I placed my phone down before placing two pills in my free hand.

I grabbed myself a glass of water. I held the pills, looking at them hesitantly. "Well, this is it." I said as I threw the pills into my mouth, taking a large sip of water and swallowing the pills.

I placed the glass in the sink, letting the rest of the water go down the drain. I lent against the counter, running my fingers through my hair in frustration. "This is fucked." I said with a small chuckle, I went back to my breakfast and started eating. James kept offering to make me more, which I politely declined. Blake and Carlos were talking while Xavier was glaring at me.

"Okay, do you have a problem with me? Cause it seems like you fucking do and I'm honestly sick of being fucking glared at. So either tell me what the problem is or stop glaring at me like I just fucked your girlfriend!" I shouted before grabbing my bag and storming off out of the door.

Xavier seriously pisses me off. What have I done to piss him off so much? I get they don't really like me, at least Blake pretends and at least Carlos just ignores me. But fucking glaring at me really gets on my nerves.

I listened to music on the way to school, I got through ten songs before I finally arrived. I found Felicity quickly, giving her a hug as I walked over to her. "It's good to see you again."

"You just saw me last night." Felicity said with a giggle, I shrugged my shoulders. "It's boring without you."


Felicity and I sat at our table, we had been sitting in the cafeteria a lot more this past few weeks, and I was okay with that. While we were talking, two people sat down in front of us, a boy and a girl.

The guy had short blonde hair, it was curly like mine. He had light brown eyes and wore some black jeans, a Black Sabbath shirt and a ripped denim jacket. Beside him, the girl. She had blonde hair like him, she had it in a plat that sat over her left shoulder. She had dark green eyes and... well... she was basically just wearing a bra and pants.

"Ello mate, my name is Damian and this is my sister, Stacey. Is it okay if we sit here?" The dude asked, he's definitely British... I wonder where he's from... "Of course you can, I'm assuming you're new here?" I responded, Damian nodded his head with a smile.

"Yep, just moved here yesterday." Damian and I started to talk as Felicity and Stacey just sat there. "So... England?" I asked with a smirk, Damian chuckled while Stacey coughed. "South west London, we wanted a change so we came here to California." Damian said with a smile, just as I was about to speak, someone cut me off.

"Damn girl you wanna sit yourself down beside me or will I have to look at you from afar?" I rolled my eyes at Zeke as he cat called Stacey. What I did not expect was for Stacey to smile, stand up and walked over to Zeke, literally sitting in his lap.

I turned to look at Damian with my jaw dropped, he wasn't even paying attention to his sister, he just rolled his eyes. "She's the slut of the family, so she will probably suck up to him now. But... can I still hang with you guys? You both seem pretty cool." Damian said with a boyish smile, I turned to Felicity with an eyebrow raised. She sent me a smile, I turned back to Damian, a grin creeping onto my face.

"It's a pleasure to be you're friend Damian."


Name: Damian Peter WilliamsAge: 16Birthday: 21 August

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Name: Damian Peter Williams
Age: 16
Birthday: 21 August

Name: Stacey Jennifer WilliamsAge: 16Birthday: 21 August

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Name: Stacey Jennifer Williams
Age: 16
Birthday: 21 August

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