~Art project~

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*One week later*

I made my way into art class, Miss had said that something big was happening today. I wonder what it could be? Damian and I once again sat at the back of the classroom, starting to draw as the bell sounded.

People slowly piled into class, I noticed Felicity sat next to Amy, typical. Sit with Zeke's head bitch, make yourself more likeable. Miss Nelson stood in front of the class, getting everyone's attention. "Okay class, so I've talked to the school, you'll all have the day off to go around town and find a place that is special to you, you will be painting that and handing it in by the end of the day, you have to hand it in this afternoon so that's why the school is letting you skip your other classes for the rest of the day! So, take what supplies you need and you can head off!"

I made my way over to the pastel drawer, grabbing a palette before grabbing two sheets of drawing paper. Damian grabbed some paint and drawing paper, he gave me a small smile as we made our way back to our table. We put the things in our bags, sling them over our shoulders and made our way out of class.

"So, Where is mighty King Damian going?"

"Probably this beach I found, it's really nice and calm, pretty sure it's private. What about you? Where is Sir Cooper going to go?"

"My hideout, the lake probably, that's my safe place." I said, Damian nudged me slightly, sending me a small smile. "I'll see you later okay? If doing this bloody project pisses me off I'll probably call you to see what new drama has happened in 'Keeping up with the demons'" He mocked, waving his hands around sassily. I let out a small laugh at Damian's stupidity, it reminded me so much of Jax.

"Bye dude." I said, walking off to my hideout. Damian waved to me before heading his way, skipping slightly as he walked.

Once I reached the hideout, I placed my stuff down inside. Making my way over to the kitchenette to make myself a hot chocolate in my portable cup. Once I made that, I took my art supplies out of my bag and started to make my way to the lake.

I sat down, pulling out the paper, the pastels along with my phone and speaker. I put on my playlist, letting the sound of music drown me as I started to draw.

Line after line, shape after shape. My drawing slowly came to life, slowly became whole. I added every detail, from the way the water falls to the way the leaves sway. Every shadow and every peak of light, every twig and every stone. I made sure to add everything, because I wanted my drawing to be full.

A song came on as I was drawing, one that brought a smile to my face. I turned the sound up, letting the music wash away all of my worries, my fears and my struggles. I just let it consume me.

You can't quit until you try
You can't live until you die
You can't learn to tell the truth until you learn to lie

Can't breathe until you choke
You gotta laugh when you're the joke
There's nothing like a funeral to make you feel alive

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes and see that life is beautiful
Will you swear on your life
That no one will cry at my funeral?

I know some things that you don't
I've done things that you won't
There's nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home

I was waiting for my hearse
What came next was so much worse
It took a funeral to make me feel alive

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes and see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life
That no one will cry at my funeral?

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes and see that life is beautiful
Will you swear on your life
That no one will cry at my funeral?

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes and see that life is beautiful
Will you swear on your life
That no one will cry at my funeral?

I sung along to the song, a small smile etched on my face as I did so. I loved this song, I don't know what about this song made me love it so much.

I looked at my drawing, I smudged a bit, looked back at the river. "It needs more work." I said as I hunched over, slaving away at the paper in front of me. I added the small details, perfecting the drawing as much as I could.

After another half hour, I looked at my drawing, a smile crawling onto my face as I looked from the lake to the drawing. It was almost as though they were the same, like I had just slapped the scene onto the page.

I smiled brightly as I studied the drawing, not one detail had been missed, and I had covered nearly the entire page

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I smiled brightly as I studied the drawing, not one detail had been missed, and I had covered nearly the entire page. I put away the pastels, careful not to break any of them. I picked up my drawing, carrying it back to the house along with my mug of hot chocolate.

I made my way back to the hut, I still had about three hours till I had to turn my work in. I set my stuff down before walking into the bedroom, as I opened the door, it was like I could see every time Felicity and I had been here.

Stop obsessing over her, she's gone. She was never really there in the first place. I told myself, I made my way over to the closet, grabbing out a spare bag and walked over to one of the sets of drawers. I pulled them out, tipping the clothes into the bag. I did that with all of the drawers before putting them back in, I looked around the room, satisfied.

I looked at my phone, I still have time. I picked up my bag, art supplies, and the bag of clothes before leaving, making my way back to my house. Once I got there, I went up to my bedroom, placing my things down. I sat the bag of clothes on the bed before making my way over to my drawers. I had things scattered across it, from photos of Jax, Dad and I to bracelets I had been given...


I picked up the lion, the dragon and the infinity bracelets, placing them in the bag. I ripped a sheet of paper out of a notebook I had, I quickly wrote something, before shoving it into the bag.

I hope she appreciates having her things back...

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒, 𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒Where stories live. Discover now