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*One week later*

So it's been a week, shockingly Zeke hasn't bothered me too much. But I know well enough that he's just planning something.

It was Saturday, we were lounging around the house, bored as fuck when the doorbell rang. I looked around, Blake and Xavier had a weird look, we weren't expecting anyone...

I got up and went to the door, pulling it open to be greeted by a warm face. "Oh! Hey Mr Williams!" I said, causing Damian to sit up straight. "Is Damian here?" He asked, I nodded my head and went to speak but was yanked back as Damian rushed past me. He ran to his dad, pulling him into a hug, Mr Williams let out a chuckle as he hugged Damian back.

"Have you sorted it out?" Damian asked as he took a step back from his dad, Mr Williams looked between Damian and I before seeing Blake and Xavier in the living room. "Can I talk to you both outside?" He asked, I nodded my head as I pushed them both outside, shutting the door behind us. "Dad, what's happening?" Damian asked, a scared look on his face.

Mr Williams let out a sigh, thinking about his words before he spoke. "Your mother and I are divorcing, she and Stacey are moving back to England tomorrow, that means you can come back home tomorrow." His dad said, I saw Damian nod, but tears welled in his eyes. "This is all my fault..." He said. Mr Williams shook his head as he pulled Damian into a hug. He started whispering into Damian's ear, I wasn't able to hear but Damian started to cry.

"I think you and I need to get some ice cream after this." I told Damian, he looked over at me and smiled. "I could really do with some ice cream right now." He turned back to his dad. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'll see you tomorrow, love you Damian."

"Love you too Dad." With that, Mr Williams left. Damian and I made our way back inside, straight to the freezer to get some ice cream. "Blake! You want some ice cream?"

"Yes!! Strawberry please!"

"Can I have some?" Xavier asked, I let out a chuckle as I grabbed my chocolate eclair and Blake's strawberry ice cream, Damian grabbed his rum and raisin and we walked into the living room. I handed Blake his strawberry before sitting down, Xavier looked around before turning to me. "Where's mine?"

"Get your own." I said, Xavier glared at me as he stood up to go get his ice cream. Damian turned on the tv and we browsed through the channels.


*A few hours later*

I was just chilling in the living room, I looked over to where Cooper had been sitting, his seat was empty though.

"Where's Cooper?"

"He left an hour ago... remember?" Blake said, I scrunched my eye brows but nodded my head. Not long after, Grace and Harrison came downstairs to sit with us.

We were all watching tv when there was a knock at the door, Blake got up and walked over. He opened the door, his eyes widened. "Uh... Grace?" He said, Grace stood up, along with myself and everyone else as we walked to the front door.

There stood two police officers, Cooper standing between them with a boyish smile on his face and his hands cuffed behind his back. "Are you this boys' mother?" One of the officers asked, Grace nodded her head as she stepped forward. "Yes I am, what happened?"

"Well, we got a call about a teenager spray painting the side of a supermarket, he was asked to leave and cursed at the person. We arrived and it appears he was drunk, had spray painted a penis on the supermarket-" Cooper let out a laugh, one of the officers nudged his shoulder. Cooper let out a cough as he immediately stopped laughing.

"And he also tried to steal alcohol from the same shop." The officer finished, Grace let out a sigh. "Thank you officers for bringing him back, I'll be sure to make sure he changes his behaviour." With that, the officers took the handcuffs off of Cooper. Cooper brought his hands in front of him, rubbing the sore skin before Grave pulled him inside.

"Why in the world would you think it is okay to, one, get drunk?! Two, graffiti on public property?! And three, why would you steal?!?!" Grace shouted at Cooper, he looked at his mother with a blank face. "I don't know... I felt my rebelliousness... ness... kick up and I got bored." He said, sending his mother a boyish smile.

"Go. To. Your. Room." Grace growled out, Cooper rolled his eyes as he made his way upstairs. After a few seconds, I followed. I walked into Cooper's bedroom to see him holding a beer, a cigarette between his lips.

"Dude... what's going on? Why are you suddenly smoking, drinking, vandalizing stuff and stealing?" I asked as I sat beside him. Cooper glanced at me as he took the cigarette out of his mouth, taking a sip of the alcohol.

Only then did I notice the tears in his eyes, the dullness I've come to recognize. "Cooper?"

"It's getting worse... everything is getting worse. I have a nightmare every single night, I wake up and have a breakdown. I barely sleep and I'm constantly tired. Zeke's being more of an ass than ever and I just miss her so much... I just want something to take my mind off of things... and if being rebellious... if getting arrested will get my mind off of reality... I'll do it. That's why I've started drinking too... because it makes me happy... that's why people drink right? Because they want to be happy?" He said, a tear sliding down his cheek.

"Cooper... you should have told me... I don't want you going through this alone, I'm here for you and I want you to understand that..." I said, Cooper smiled briefly. His smile fell as he shook his head. "It's different... all I want is to have her back, I want to feel happy again... and since I can't get that from her, I have to find other ways right?" I stayed silent, thinking about what Cooper had said.

I looked up at him as he started to sing, tears running down his face as he did. "I don't fucking care, if you fucking care. No ones gonna live forever so you better be prepared. I still wanna love, love with my whole heart. Even though the world is slowly tearing me apart."

He still loves Felicity...

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒, 𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن