~The dark hour pt.2~

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Grace and dad just left, Grace looked really sad but I knew dad would make her feel better. I felt bad for her, she has to put up with Cooper, he's quite a little shit. I don't get why he is such an ass to his mom, she didn't do anything so what crawled up his ass and died?

We were sat watching TV when Cooper came barreling down the stairs, his eyes were bloodshot and tears were rolling down his face. He had a long sleeved Shinedown hoodie and his hair was really messed up.

He noticed us staring at him, he just looked at us, thinking for a second before speaking. "Does Harrison smoke?" The fuck? "No, our dad doesn't smoke, why the fuck do you care?!" I asked, not really in the mood of putting up with Cooper. "Does he drink?"

"Yes! Why does it matter?! I'll ask again!" Cooper didn't answer as he ran into the kitchen, I looked at my brothers, realization hit me like a train. I leapt from the couch, running into the kitchen after Cooper. My jaw dropped as I entered, Cooper was sculling one of dad's beers and had two more in his hand.

"What the fuck Cooper!!" I shouted, gaining his attention. He finished off the bottle before going to open the second. I ripped both bottles from his hand, earning a scowl from him. "Give them back you jackass!" He screamed, I could tell he was already getting drunk, even one was enough for him.

My brothers stood behind me, watching Cooper as he tried his best to be angry at me. His anger quickly changed to sadness, tears welled in his eyes as his lip trembled. He backed himself into a corner, curling up into a ball as he pulled at his hair. Whimpers escaped his lips as he shook his head back and forth, muttering things I couldn't quite hear.

"I want out, I want out. It's dark, too, too dark. I-I need her... I need Felicity..." He said, lifting his head up as he looked around the room. He caught sight of the house phone, he clambered to his feet, racing over to it.

He stood by it, pushing in numbers before holding it to his ear. "Hello? Licity? Are you there?... Yeah it's me... I think I'm drunk? Why?... The darkest hour of course!..." His weird mood changed, his face dropped and he seemed sober now. His lip started to quiver again as tears rolled down his face. "Please come over... I need you... I can't escape." He started to sob, pulling his hair again.

He hung the phone up on the wall, sliding down it as he ran his fingers through his hair, tugging tightly that even I felt pain. He sat there sobbing as we stood there, not knowing what to do. He finally looked up, his eyes fresh with tears. "Don't act like you guys care, I know you don't. You all fucking hate me so stop acting all concerned about... this. Go watch your movie, forget this and everything is fine." He said, a fake smile plastered on his broken face. "Besides, Felicity is coming over. She's the only person I need to care for me." He said darkly.

Just as he finished speaking, the doorbell rang. Cooper stood up, walking to the front door. He pulled it open, there stood that girl. She leapt into Cooper's arms, hugging him tightly. "Don't press yourself to close to me, I think I'm a bit drunk and I have no clue what junior down there is like." Cooper said dryly, although I knew he was attempting to make the situation better.

"C'mon Cooper, upstairs. Did you just get drunk?" Cooper sighed before shaking his head. "Oh I wish... I'm tired... put me to bed?" Cooper asked, Felicity just grabbed his hand and dragged him upstairs.


Felicity dragged me upstairs, pushing me into my bedroom, locking the door shut behind her. I went and sat at the head of my bed, pulling my knees to my chest as I started to cry. Felicity quickly made her way over to me, pulling me into a hug. I let go of my knees, wrapping my arms around her waist as I cried into her chest.

"It was worse, so much worse! I thought he was gone after four but he was still there! He wanted more but I couldn't do it! I tried to find another way to get rid of him so I drank Harrison's beer, but I could still feel him there." I cried, my breath coming in short gasps as I spoke. Felicity held me tightly, knowing that that was all I needed right now.

"But then... my thoughts changed to you and it was like something inside of me just flipped like a switch, instead of wanting to escape through pain... I wanted to escape through you... if that makes any sense." I wiped my hand over my eyes, getting rid of the tears. "You wanted escape through happiness and comfort instead of pain and sadness." I looked at Felicity, she had a small smile on her face as she looked at me. "Yeah... maybe that is what I want..." I said, crawling over to Felicity and knocking her back.

We both hit the mattress as I held Felicity in a bear hug, nuzzling my nose into the crook of her neck. "I want you to meet someone, and then afterwards I want to show you a place. Will you come?" I asked Felicity, looking into her eyes as I waited for a response. "Of course, oh, I'll also be staying the night. That's what I told Mama." I let out a chuckle, giving Felicity a light squeeze. "That's perfectly fine, at least I won't have to be stuck with my step brothers all alone now."

I stood up, pulling Felicity up with me as we walked over to my bedroom door, unlocking it and leaving. We made our way downstairs, I threw my shoes on and found my phone, putting it in my pocket. I handed Felicity one of my hoodies as she forgot to bring her own. "We are going out, We will be back whenever we get back." I said to my stepbrothers, not waiting for a response as we walked out of the door.

We walked towards the graveyard, hand in hand as the sun was starting to set. We made it to the gravestones, I sat down in front of them. Felicity sat in front of me, sitting between my legs. I wrapped my arms around her, resting my head on her shoulder as I looked at the gravestones.

"Felicity, meet my dad and my brother, Jax. Jax, dad, meet Felicity."

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒, 𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒Where stories live. Discover now