~"I trust you."~

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"H-How many years has this happened?" James asked, shock written all over his face. "The bullying has been going on for about nine years... the cutting about eight..." I told him, his eyes widened slightly before he pulled me into a hug. "Wait... who else knows?"

"About the bullying? You, them and my cousins, and Zeke of course. Whereas the cutting... only Felicity and dumbass over there know."

"Oi! I'm not a dumbass!" Damian said, I just chuckled at him. I looked back at James, he looked utterly shocked. "Just... please don't tell mom okay? I don't want her stressing over anything. And don't bother Blake and Xavier about Zeke... as much as I hate Zeke, I don't want Blake and Xavier to lose a friend." I said, it didn't really bother me if Xavier lost a friend, he was an ass, but I actually liked Blake.

"Are you sure?" James asked, I nodded my head. He sighed before agreeing. "Alright, but if anything gets worse, promise me you will tell someone okay?" I nodded me head, sending James a small smile.

"So, if you don't want to be near Zeke on Saturday, I suggest finding something else to do." James said, I turned to Damian and Felicity. "Well, I'm stuck at a family gathering all weekend, bloody bastards..." Damian muttered, I just chuckled at his misery before turning to Felicity with an eye brow raised.

"Camping?" Felicity nodded her head, a smile wide over her face. "Gladly!" I smiled as I stood up, I walked over and stood in front of the chair. I looked down at Felicity, easily hiding my smirk. She had an eye brow raised as she stared at me. "Cooper... what are you doing?" I flopped down on the seat, landing on top of Felicity with a thump.

She burst into a fit of giggles as I placed nearly all of my weight on her, I wasn't heavy but I definitely weighed more than Felicity. "Get off of me Cooper! You weigh so much!" Felicity shouted, I only laughed in response. "I'm not that heavy! Besides, you love me!"

"Get off!" I shook my head, I moved so that I was more comfortable, and so that Felicity could breathe. "Yeah you two are totally together." Blake said as he walked into the living room. Xavier walked in behind him while Carlos went upstairs.

Xavier sat down and started to watch tv while James and Blake watched Felicity and I in amusement. I was still lying on Felicity, chuckling as she kept hitting me over the back of the head. "Get off!" She said, hitting me really hard over the head. I only laughed in response, snuggling closer to her. "No! I'm rather comfy here!"

"Get your big fat bottom off of me!!" She shouted, pushing me off of her. I fell to the floor, looking at her wide eyed as she just smirked at me. "I did tell you to get off." Felicity then stood up, her smirk never leaving as she walked into the kitchen. "I thought she was supposed to be the sweet one." Blake said, causing everyone to chuckle. "I thought so too..."

I got back in the recliner, lounging back as I closed my eyes. They flew open as I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

My smile from before was gone, completely gone

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My smile from before was gone, completely gone. I read the message, over and over again, the words sinking into my brain, giving diesel the pleasure he so desires.

Felicity walked back over, stopping as she saw my emotionless face. She saw the phone in my hand and rushed over, ripping it from my grip.

I stood up, going to walk out of the room when Felicity caught my arm. "Cooper–"

"Let go Felicity, I just need a minute to myself."

"But how long will that minute last?" She said, I just looked at her. "Let go, please." I said, my voice growing small. I grabbed my phone from Felicity's hand before ripping my hand from her grip, making my way upstairs quickly.

I went into my room and locked the door, making my way over to the large windows in my bedroom. I pulled them open, stepping out onto the small balcony.

I leant in the railing, looking out at the moon. I couldn't hear the knocking at my door, my mind just focused on the moon, drowning everything out as I felt my tears start to fall.

This has happened, so many times for so many years. From texts, to notes, and even speaking to my face, I've been told I'm unwanted, to kill myself and just do everyone a favour. I've been through this so many times that I've lost count, I just know that it's happened so much that I'm used to it now.

I walked back into my room, placing my phone on my bedside table as I sat down on my bed. I looked down at my wrists, the purple and pink scars covering it completely. As I looked down at them, I remembered cutting every one of them. And those memories are something I'd rather forget.

I heard the door open, I didn't look as I heard someone rush over to me. Felicity knelt down in front of me, holding my head in her hands before looking at my wrists. Once she saw I hadn't done anything, she let out a small sigh before turning back to me.

"Cooper, don't ever listen to anything they say. People do want you here, I want you here. Don't ever do what they say, don't stoop to their level and please... don't ever feel like you can't talk to someone." Felicity said, brushing a stray tear away with her thumb.

I smiled softly at her, lifting my hand up to hold hers. I brought her hand towards my lips, placing a small kiss on her knuckles. "Your mom is here too, she's making dinner right now." I let a small smile crawl onto my face, my moms cooking was the best.

"Just let me clean this up." I said, motioning to my red, bloodshot eyes and my tear stained face. Felicity pulled me off of the bed, pushing me into the bathroom as she followed. She pushed me towards the sink before grabbing a face cloth out of the cupboard.

She wet it with cold water before ringing it out and turning to me. "Okay, stand still? Yeah?" I nodded my head, Felicity started to dab the cloth on my face, covering up the fact I had been crying. "Shit!! That ain't supposed to go in my eye! Goddamn!" I shouted as she brushed the cloth over my eye, making it feel weird. She just laughed it off as she threw the cloth into the laundry basket.

"Come on, I think your mom would have finished dinner by now." Felicity said as she dragged me out of my bedroom and down the stairs. We got to the bottom and I saw mom standing in the kitchen with Harrison hugging her from behind. I heard her giggle and noticed Harrison kissing her neck.

"Save it for the bedroom PLEASE!! I would rather eat my dinner without witnessing that PDA!" I said, making mom and Harrison spin around with a heavy blush on their cheeks. I just smirked as I sat down, I could hear Blake, Damian, James and Carlos laughing as they sat down, but Xavier stayed quiet, no surprises there.

I took a smug sip of my drink as I looked over at mom, her blush was gone and she had a mischievous glint in her eye. "Well you can't say much Cooper can you? Always all over Felicity right?" I spit my drink all over the table, coughing as I started to choke on the excess stuff that fell down my throat.

My stepbrothers and Damian laughed harder, I covered my face with my hands, shaking my head as I tried to hide my blush. I felt something on my arm, I turned and saw Felicity resting her forehead on my upper arm, lifting her collar up to hide her own blush.

"That was a low blow mom, even for you." I said, a chuckle escaping my lips as a smile crossed over my face. "I still managed to make you blush."

"Congratulations! I'm sure Harrison can reward you later!" I said, everyone was practically dying of laughter now as my mom blushed harder, her face basically looked like a tomato. "I'll get you back for that Cooper!"

"I'd like to see you try!" I shouted with a laugh, my blush gone by now, a wide, joyous smile taking its place. Just a few minutes ago, I got a text telling me to kill myself, yet here I am, laughing with my family, having a good time.

Maybe things are looking up...

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒, 𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒Where stories live. Discover now