~"I don't listen to back stabbing liars."~

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I had just left Cooper's house, it was rather late though. It was dark outside, the only lights being the street lamps and a few houses with people still awake.

All I could think about was Cooper, it's not hard to notice the changes... at least it isn't hard for me. He's become a lot more distant, I feel like he's hiding a lot more from me than he's letting off. He's gotten paler too, and he constantly has bags under his eyes.

Not only that, but he's become a lot more... troubled, by that I mean the drinking, the smoking, the sneaking out and the vandalizing. He's definitely gone down hill since the start of the year. He really has broken... and I feel like I'm partly to blame.

I was brought out of my thoughts at the sound of someone sobbing. Me being the soft hearted fool I was, went to see what the source was. I walked towards the sound, it slowly grew louder as I got closer.

There, sitting underneath a tree was Felicity. Her hair was a mess, her knees to her chest as her small body was drowning in one of Zeke's hoodies. I internally scoffed at that, she used to gladly wear Cooper's hoodie and here she is wearing that bastards things.

I went to walk away but her head snapped up to look at me, her eyes were bloodshot as tears rolled down her cheeks. Her lips trembled as she held back sobs, she finally recognized me as her eyes widened when they met mine.

"Damian..." I turned and started to walk away, I was quickly stopped as Felicity jumped to her feet, grabbing my arm and pulling me back. "Please wait!" She said as I turned to face me, I just looked at her, the sympathy I once felt disappearing as I remembered how she lied to my best friend.

"No. Why should I wait? Give me one damned reason to stay!" I said, she should honestly be lucky I didn't just mouth off at her. "Please! Damian you have to!"

"I don't have to do shit! In case you forgot, you have other friends to go to! Like Zeke, or Ashton, or maybe even Amy. You two seem to be the best of pals!" I seethed out, Felicity shook her head, more tears running down her face. "Please! Damian you have to listen to me!" She cried out, I shook my head, ripping me arm from her grip.

"No. I don't listen to back stabbing liars. Why don't you go get Zeke to comfort you." I said darkly, I turned on my heel and walked away, Felicity still pleading for me to stay. She hurt my best friend, like fuck I'll listen to her.

"Damian please!!" She cried, I turned around, seeing her tear stained face and red, bloodshot eyes. "The funny thing is... he would still help you... he'd hold you when you were crying, he'd be there for you when you needed him even though you turned your back on him... he wouldn't dare hurt you... I guess he was just too blind to see that you would." I said harshly, Felicity shook her head. "You don't understand!"

"What don't I understand?! Please! Do enlighten me! I would so love to know why you decided to stab Cooper in the back!" I shouted at her, she dropped her head, another sob leaving her mouth. She stayed quiet, not daring to say anything.

I let out a laugh, shaking my head as I looked at the girl with pity. "That's what I thought, looks like little miss liar can't find an excuse." I glowered, when she once again didn't say anything, I scoffed and walked away.

I felt a frown form on my face, was I too hard on her? No. She betrayed us, stabbed us in the back... she hurt Cooper, she gave him hope when no one else could give him that... all to drain him of that hope and leave him empty...

She ruined him.


We were sitting in Cooper's living room, Brave was playing in the background but none of us were focused on it. I was watching Felicity and Cooper who were too busy being all lovey-dovey. Cooper whispered something into Felicity's ear, she let out a giggle, causing a bright smile to grow over Cooper's face.

I watched as they would occasionally stare into each other's eyes, what would their ship name be? Celicity? Feliciper? ... OH MY GOD!!


Aren't I just amazing?!



I need to stop...

God help me I'm obsessing over this...


God I really do need to stop...


I looked back over at Cooper and Felicity, Felicity was laughing as Cooper tickled her sides. I pulled out Cooper's phone, (Which I graced him with photos of my beautiful self) and took a photo of them. I smirked as I realized that neither off them noticed, I decided to take more pictures.

I zoomed up on Cooper's face, spamming his phone with pictures of his nose. It took a lot in me not to laugh, but I was doing quite well I must say...

I started a video, both of them were once again too busy talking to notice. I zoomed up on Cooper's face, somehow managing to follow it perfectly.

I put one of the filters on, but since his face wasn't in view of the camera, it didn't work. I started to pout but an idea quickly came to mind. "Cooper!" I shouted, Cooper snapped his head towards me. "Damian!!" He mocked, I burst out laughing as the filter recognized his face, turning it into something completely ridiculous.

"What are you laughing at?"

"YOU'RE FACE!!!" I shouted at him, or tried to at least, I was too busy laughing it probably sounded like this-

"Y-Y-Y *Wheeze* YOU'RE *Uncontrollable laughing* YOU'RE F-F-FA- *Another fit of laughter* F-FACE!!!!" That made Cooper raise an eyebrow, obviously trying to work out what I said even though I sounded like I dying fucking elephant.

Once he realized what I had said, he looked over at me with a smirk. "What did you do?" He chuckled, I was still laughing at the filter, I have no clue why I was laughing so much... "S-Snap chat f-f-filter!" I said between chuckles, finally calming down.

"Why am I even friends with you?" He asked with an exaggerated eye roll. I mockingly gasped, staring at Cooper. "You love me!" I shouted, Cooper shook his head. "Nope!" He said, popping the 'p'. I gasped again, pretending I had just been shot. "Avenge me Felicity! Get him back for me!" I said, what I did not expect was for her to do so.

Cooper had shock on his face, I'm guessing he did not expect her to slap him. It wasn't painfully hard, just hard enough that it shut him up. I let out a laugh as I ran over, pulling Felicity from Cooper and wrapping her in a tight hug. "YOU ARE MY NEW BFF!!" I shouted, Cooper pouted as I held Felicity, clearly not liking the fact that another guy was touching her.

Oh Cooper... If only you knew I'm as straight as the letter 'S'...

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒, 𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon