~"It's alright Princess, I'm right here"~

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It's now Friday, Lilli, Levi, Jackson and Danny left yesterday morning. Tonight, Mom and Harrison leave to Hawaii, leaving me with my god awful stepbrothers who still hate me for "Ruining the wedding".

Anyway, I made my way to school, listening to my rock playlist. Last Resort by Papa Roach was playing when I arrived at school. I pulled my headphones out as I made my way to my locker, collecting what I need for the day. I closed my locker and started to turn around but was cut short as my head was slammed against my closed locker.

I fell to the ground, clutching my head as it throbbed in pain. I let out a groan as I could feel a small amount of blood seep into my hair, I only heard laughing above me. They left after that but you know... that's my normal school day.


It was now lunch and Felicity hadn't shown up, I was growing slightly worried, what if something happened to her? I took my seat in the cafeteria, I didn't have any food to eat but I didn't care. My foot tapped against the floor as I could feel my anxiety rising, she should be here. I thought. My anxiety calmed a bit when my phone started to ring, showing Felicity's contact. "Thank god you answered Licity! Are you okay? Where are you?"

"T-t-the bathr-ooms." She cried out, pain evident in her voice. My fear and anger began to grow as I threw my bag over my shoulder, rushing out of the cafeteria. I ran as fast as I could to the girls bathroom, throwing the door open. It didn't even cross my mind that I was entering the girls bathroom, all I cared about was that Felicity sounded hurt.

There, sat in the corner under the sink was Felicity, bruises all over her arms and legs. I rushed over to her, dropping to my knees as I pulled her into my arms. She sobbed into my chest, her hands clenching onto my shirt as though her life depended on it. I held her tightly, knowing that all she needed right now was comfort.

"It's alright princess, I'm right here. No one will hurt you now, you're safe with me sweetheart." I whispered in her ear, not even registering the nicknames I gave her. I just held her tightly as she cried, like she had done for me. "You're safe now sweetheart." I lifted her up, carrying her and placing her on the sink.

She sat facing me, her eyes red and bloodshot. Her lip trembled as her body shook lightly, her hands gripping her pants tightly. It pained me to see her like this, in pain and scared. I lifted my hand up, cupping her cheek. "Hey... It's okay. I'll patch you up, good as new." I said with a small smile, trying to make her feel better. She gave me a small smile back, although I knew it was forced.

I pulled my med kit out of my bag, quickly tending to Felicity's wounds. It was all just bruises, so I used a cream that helps reduce swelling and gets rid of the bruise quicker. Once I was done, I put everything away before pulling her into a hug. I nuzzled my nose into the crook of her neck as I stood between her legs, my arms securely around her waist.

"Put your hands in the air, If you hear me out there, I've been looking for you day and night" I sang softly, hoping Felicity would sing back. "Shine a light in the dark, Let me see where you are, 'Cause I'm not gonna leave you behind" She sung back, causing a smile to grow over my face. I pulled my head back, looking Felicity in the eyes. She had a smile matching my own, I could have sworn her eyes sparkled.

"C'mon, lets get to class, yeah? We have music last today, my second favorite class." I said as I lifted Felicity off of the sink, placing her down gently on the floor. I picked up her bag, handing it to her before taking her hand in mine and taking her to our next class.

We sat in the middle of the class, Science that is. I hated this class but I knew what I was doing. As we were waiting for class to start, Felicity sat drawing while I watched her. She was just doodling but even her doodles looked like legitimate art. She was drawing a person, you couldn't see his eyes. From the nose above, his head broke away, stars and planets taking its place.

The bell finally rang, students started filling the seats, one by one. Just as the last person sat down, the teacher came in. Mr Manchester, he is an asshat. He hates me for no reason and he picks on me out of everyone else. He's just a big ol' fart.

"Mr Bryan! Answer question 7! If I have Magnesium and oxygen, I mix them together, What will I get?"

"Magnesium oxide sir. A type of rust?" I answered, Mr Manchester went to say something, probably insult me, but stopped. "Yes, that is correct." I couldn't stop the smirk that crawled across my face, I always liked it when he didn't have a comeback, it meant I had won.

Skip the next class, now it was music. My favourite subject aside from art. Felicity and I were sitting in one of the numerous music rooms, filled with instruments. Felicity was playing the Piano, mixing notes any way she could. Listening to her play, lyrics started coming to my head for a song. So, I wrote them down.

She is the light to lead the way,
She's all I need and here I'll stay.
I won't fade away.
She sets my mind up for tomorrow,
Ridding me of all my sorrows.
It's her I'll follow.

Even in the dark, her voice is strong,
Guiding me to where I belong!
By her side is where I'll stay,
Each and every single day!

Shout out into the crowd!
Standing strong and tall and proud!
I can hear you loud, hear you loud, loud!
Stand up, stand your ground!
I promise you I'll come around!
All safe and sound, safe and sound, sound!

Light, cold, hot, dark,
As long as she's here I'm ready to start.
On your mark, (Ready, set, go!)
If she's here, right beside me.
I will be as happy as can be!
Can't you see?

That was as far as I got before a loud bang brought me out of my thoughts, I turned to see Felicity cupping her mouth in shock. I looked at her confused before seeing the utterly broken guitar in the floor. "I didn't mean to! I was trying to put it back, I dropped it and it just broke!" She said, I could hear the panic in her voice.

I walked over to her, placing my hands on her shoulders and turning her to face me. "Felicity, calm down. It's perfectly okay, that guitar was old anyway. It's older than my grandad." I told her, earning a giggle in return. I was about to say something else when the door burst open, the music teacher, not Miss Jennifer apparently... walked in with a pissed look on his face.

He looked down at the guitar, his eyes widening before he shot a glare our way. "Who did this?!"

"Me sir." I said, quickly stopping Felicity from speaking. The teacher shot daggers into my head as he picked the guitar up. "I'll be calling your mother about this Mr Bryan." I hung my head, knowing mom would be pissed, but as long as Felicity didn't get in trouble, I'll be fine.

The bell rang, I waved goodbye to Felicity as she left. I had to stay behind, getting a earful about how "irresponsible it was to destroy school property in such a manner" and that they had called mom, I knew I'd be getting an earful from her.

I made my way home slowly, taking in the sweet peace and quiet I had.

I can't wait to get home...

Sarcasm was my best trait...

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒, 𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒Where stories live. Discover now