~A solution~

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After Cooper told the psychologist about the monsters in his head, Dr Philippe asked Harrison and Grace to leave the room so he could speak with them.

Once they were out of the room, Dr Philippe started to explain. "From what Cooper told me, I believe that these so called 'monsters' are really figures of his imagination caused from things in his past that have really affected him, causing these 'monsters'... Do you know of anything traumatic that has happened to him?"

"He lost his twin, my other son, Jax, when he was seven. Cooper was really close to Jax, they were practically inseparable. Cooper was broken after Jax died." Grace replied, smiling sadly as she remembered Jax and her first love.

"So that could have been when Cooper first became depressed, I can't know fully without knowing the situation but I do believe that the monsters are traumatic experiences he's had." Dr Philippe said, Grace and Harrison nodded. "So, I'll probably go back in and ask Cooper a few questions about what's happened to him before and see if I can support my theory even more, once I'm certain, we can work on helping him get better, mentally as well as physically."

Dr Philippe went back into the room, Grace and Harrison following behind him. Dr Philippe took a seat back beside Cooper. "Cooper, can you tell me about anything... traumatic that's happened in the past?"


I thought about it for a second, and not even a second after, I nodded my head. "My brother and dad died when I was seven, they were in a car crash." I said, the man nodded. "It affected you badly didn't it?"

"It's my fault." I muttered, the man just sat, waiting for me to continue while mom looked at me with concern. "What do you mean by that Cooper?" The man asked me. "We had a fight, just hours before it happened. They were both ignoring me, spending time with each other like I just didn't exist. It made me mad, so I confronted them. I ended up in tears and I didn't want to be near them."

"I ran, I stayed at the park for hours, then mom came and picked me up. She told me what happened and I knew it was my fault. Through out the funeral, I wished they would just sit up... they'd wake up and tell me it was a prank. I wanted to say sorry... that I loved them and that I was just mad they didn't talk to me... But they didn't wake up, they were placed in the ground. They were dead and it was my fault." I said, tears welling in my eyes as I told them.

"Did the monsters come after that?" The man asked, I nodded my head. "Depression and Emptiness were the first ones, they were there constantly."

"What caused the other ones to come?"

"Insecurity came the first time Zeke picked on me... he made fun of the way I looked, the way I acted... and as an eight year old... that hit me hard. Embarrassment, Loneliness and Sadness came shortly after. The two friends I once had, Kyle and Dylan. They ditched me, they became friends with Zeke, and soon enough they became my bullies." I told the man, he once again nodded his head.

"I don't mean to be rude... but who the fuck are you?" I finally asked, the man chuckled as mom gasped. "Cooper!"

"It's fine Grace, he's just curious. I am Dr Philippe, I am a psychologist, you know what that is right?"

"You're a brain scientist." I replied, to which Dr Philippe nodded his head. I felt my heart drop, feat consuming me. "A-Am I going to a mental hospital?" I asked fearfully, Dr Philippe shook his head. "No, I asked you these questions for a specific reason, I believe that you need to overcome your past, traumas and all that. So, instead of sending you to a psychiatric hospital, we try sending you away from home for at least nine months, to a year. That will give you time to boast your confidence, get your mind in a better place so that you can come back home and face what caused your traumas... do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Basically I get to go on holiday?" Dr Philippe laughed at that, but did nod his head. "In a way, yes. But by leaving here, you'll start to fix your mind, your well-being... of course, you'll have help... but it's about you coming to terms with who you are."

"So a spiritual quest?" I joked, Dr Philippe nodded his head. "Yes. So once you get out of this hospital... we send you somewhere."

"Can I choose?"

"Depends... where would you like to go?"

"Florida, that's where my cousins are." I said, I saw mom smile slightly at that. Dr Philippe nodded his head. "I'm sure we could do that. Being in a comfortable environment can help with the process too." I nodded my head, Dr Philippe stood up, giving mom and Harrison a handshake before leaving.

I instantly pulled my phone out, putting on some music.

"You know you need a fix when you fall down
You know you need to find a way
To get you through another day
Let me be the one to numb you out
Let me be the one to hold you
Never gonna let you get away

The shoulder you cry on
The dose that you die on

I, I can be your painkiller, killer, killer
You'll love me till it's all over, over
'Cause I'm the shoulder you cry on
The dose that you die on
I, I can be your painkiller, killer, killer

I know what you want so desperately
You know I'll give you one for free
Forever you're coming back to me
Now I'm gonna give you what you need
'Cause I know what you fiend on and what you lean on
And what you lean on

The shoulder you cry on
The dose that you die on

I, I can be your painkiller, killer, killer
You'll love me till it's all over, over
'Cause I'm the shoulder you cry on
The dose that you die on
I, I can be your painkiller, killer, killer

Did you find another cure?
Did you find another cure?

I, I can be your painkiller, killer, killer
You'll love me till it's all over, over
'Cause I'm the shoulder you cry on
The dose that you die on
I, I can be your painkiller, killer, killer

"I'm hungry."

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒, 𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒Where stories live. Discover now