I look at Laxus before slowly reaching out and picking up the letter. Laxus sighs and nods lightly to signal that I have permission to read it.

"This is from Ivan." I say in shock.

"What does he want now?" Evergreen questions in disbelief.

"His new guild is progressing... he wants me to leave Fairy Tail and join him." Laxus explains.

"When?" Bickslow asks.

"As soon as possible." Laxus replies.

My eyes widen. Laxus would never consider this... would he?

"You're not seriously gonna take up his offer are you?" I question.

Laxus hung his head causing fear to shoot through my body. He's already agreed, I can tell.

"Laxus..." Bickslow says with worry.

Laxus flings his head back suddenly and starts laughing.

It came as a surprise to all three of us. We looked at each other, trying to figure out what is going through Laxus' mind. Why would he be so upset and then start laughing like nothing happened?

"Laxus, you're scaring us." Evergreen states.

Laxus finishes laughing and looks at me, Ever and Bickslow with a grin on his face.

"Are you kidding? You think I would leave you guys?" Laxus asks.

"Of course not." I chuckle nervously.

"So you're staying here then?" Bickslow asks.

Laxus looks down at the letter for a moment.

Something is not right...

"Well, I was kinda thinking that you guys could come with me." Laxus suggests.

The thunder legion joining Ravens Tail... Is he crazy?

Me, Bickslow and Evergreen looked at one another with uncertainty. None of us want to leave the guild, especially if it's to join one being run by a mad man who experiments on people.

"Laxus..." I begin to say.

"You don't want to join me do you." Laxus says.

"It's not that we don't support you..." Evergreen chipped in.

"But Ivan isn't right in the head man, plus..." Bickslow states.

"We don't want to get on the wrong side of the law." I finish.

Laxus doesn't say anything.

"We all love you very much, I guess that's why we don't want you to go." I say kindly, trying to reassure Laxus that we have nothing against him.

"I know you do." Laxus replies with a light chuckle and a small grin appearing on his face.

Maybe he has changed his mind...

"This was never going to be an easy decision for me anyway. Besides the fact that I want to join my dad, I also wanted to stay here to take over the guild." Laxus explains.

"But Laxus, you know that Master won't hand the guild to you that easily, not the way you've been acting towards him." Evergreen replies.

"I know. I've not been fair towards him..." Laxus says remorsefully.

I don't understand what's going through Laxus' head. On the one hand, he wants to join his horrible father, but on the other hand he's starting to care about Master Makarov again?

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