Chapter 1

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I have to get away! I didn't want to leave, but... I just... I didn't want to die. All I can do is keep running, even if my legs give in. I'm cold, I'm soaking wet, this heavy rain and gloomy sky is an exact representation of how I feel, talk about irony.

I have to keep going until I know that I am safe, but will I ever feel safe again after what happened?

As I continue to run in my saturated boots, clenching onto the straps of my rucksack, I come across a train station with a sign.

"Magnolia?" I say to myself.

I must've ran miles, although my home town is small, there's still another town between my home and Magnolia.

I collapse on my knees instantly. I shouldn't have stopped to read the sign. My adrenaline is low, I haven't eaten in hours, my legs refuse to work. No. I have to keep going, at least until I can find a home.

I try to get back on my feet, they ache like mad, my whole body does. I start jogging gently until I pick up the pace to a full run. My mid length green hair blows behind me as I catch the wind rushing towards me. I keep running, until I pass a huge building. I stop and turn around. The stone building looks like a mansion, a gold bell sits at the peak of the roof. A big sign draws my attention. Fairy Tail.

"Fairy tail? What a weird name. Is this someone's home? A hotel maybe?" I question.

The wooden doors opened as a couple of men walk out and stroll past me, they're smiling. I catch a glimpse inside the building and see lots of people inside, I can hear laughter, chatting, general noise coming from inside. Maybe I can just stroll in?

I walk up the stone steps wearily until I reach the top. I open the door and see brightness and joy inside, a juxtaposition to what is outside. I wander in and look at the surroundings, the wooden stairs and balcony, the tables, benches, food and drink. Maybe it's a pub instead. I venture further into the building and bump into someone accidentally as my legs buckle.

"I'm so sorry sir!" I apologise.

I look up and see the tall, muscled man look down at me. His slicked back hair is auburn in colour and his clothing is mainly black. The man crouches down next to me and looks me in the eye, making me feel uneasy and intimidated. His straight face turns to a kind one as he shows a smile to me.

"It's fine kid, I don't believe I've seen you before, you look exhausted." The man says to me kindly.

"I'm not from around here. I'm quite far away from home." I reply timidly.

I still feel overwhelmed, I can feel tears surfacing to my eyes. I can't stop it.

"Hey, it's alright, you have nothing to be afraid of here. Wanna tell me your name?" The man asks me.

"It's Freed, Freed Justine." I reply quietly.

"Hello Freed. My name is Gildarts, nice to meet ya." Gildarts responds as he holds out his hand to me.

I place my hand in his and shake it softly, trying to be friendly, but still feeling a little scared.

"You look like you've been through a rough time, do you wanna get some food?" Gildarts asks me.

"Um, I don't have any money." I say shyly.

"That's alright, I'll get some food for you, on the house." Gildarts replied with a grin.

"Thanks." I reply softly.

"First though, I think we should get some dry clothes for you, you're soaked through." Gildarts comments.

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