Chapter 34: Joshua

Start from the beginning

She shook her head, no, she shouldn't talk to the Poseidon twins, and she may stay away, Hayato didn't like her eyes, he liked Lily's. Maybe she could let Bishamon tell talk to them about the school situation.

She sighed and continued walking while looking around the café that she went a while ago was made about two centuries ago, the founder and former owner's name was Mordecai, he died just three years after Layla was born. He man gave his sun the place and kept on going for those two centuries until it reached for a boy in Fairy-Tail named Max, but he never inherited the place, his elder brother was the heir of the place. He is now the owner – the boys name was Makoto. Max then turned into the manager.
The place was popular for its cookies and cakes; surely it Strawberry cheese cake.

She reached the huge building that was destroyed almost a million times and the place wasn't loud as it usually would be, the place was gloomy, and there was a cloud of rain was flew above the building.

'Juvia,' she thought, 'what is going on in there?' she continued walking and she reached the huge double wooden door.

She pushed the doors open and she looked at the people the stood or sat around. Some of them were crying some were reading books, some were talking. It was silent until they saw the raven hared lady that just entered. They analyzed her and then they realized who she was. The raven hared girl felt that the heir was close; she could feel that he was closer than a yard away. He could be just there looking at her. But she didn't know how he looked like. She could feel his eyes on her, but she didn't know where he or she was, she didn't know where he was. She then saw the guildhall smiling sadly – even pitifully. There were many people that looked at her that knew who she was and others that just turned away not knowing who she was. Well who she possessed.

She then saw a flash of brown, well brow hair, "Deanah!" she saw Cana Alberona, the brown haired beauty she pulled Deanah in a bear hug, Deanah hugged her back. When they pulled away Cana grinned at her and took her to a wooden table – when she felt the power of the heir getting closer and then father away again. She gulped when she heard far away from her consciousness

'Only twenty-four hours, your highness.' The voice in her head warned. It was Shinigami, well more like every time she gets distracted the voice in her head warns her – Shinigami's voice rang. She didn't like that that damn god warned her every single time she gets distracted.

She shook her head telling the voice to shut up, Cana gave her a worried look but the ravenete flashed the brunette a reassuring grin as she continued following Cana. She reached a wooden tabled that had about three people sitting at; there was Freed, the head of The Council and a red head that didn't have a guild mark. Was he from the council? He did have the council uniform on.

Deanah sat down and greeted the people that were struggling to find out the enchantments, she giggled at the thought of them finding out that she knew the answers to their questions. But she had a spell over her that she cannot tell the enchantments until she sang her enchantment. But it wasn't her time yet, she fringed with the magenta colored necklace that hung around her neck and she smiled – she was 'free' free from Lily and her complains, free from the gods' rules.

But soon she will be tight back down on a vessel, that vessel will use her as her weapon – she wished that wouldn't happen – again – she begged the gods that that wouldn't happen she hoped the prayed and begged. She wanted this vessel would be a nice and caring person just like Layla was.

She placed the brown paper bag on the table together with her tea and propped her elbow on the table and grabbed one of the fresh cookies and ate one as she looked over the several books that were scattered over the table. She drank the luke warm tea and saw Cana at the bar talking to Mirajane. Then something caught her attention, a blonde haired woman walked out of a huge wooden door from across the guild the opposite way from the main entrance. She wandered towards a pink haired guy that was sitting at the table right next to where Deanah was. She sat down next to the pink haired man and they talked.

Layla's story Book 1 (Acnola) Acnologia×LaylaWhere stories live. Discover now