Roan's Last Words

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Thanatos has retreated back into his underworld lair to gather more energy for the next summoning of minions. He leaves Roans' body intact but not his mind, which is still poisoned with thoughts of Brianna's supposed betrayal.

He sits on the throne thinking to himself. One hand clenched cracking the crystal it rests on. His mind still tainted by the poison of Thanatos, he replays the events with Brianna in his head, over and over like an obsession. But not the times where he felt happy and loved. He reiterates the times of her betrayal and abandonment. Why is it he can't be rid of her? Why is it that she still torments him? He wishes he could see her again, even though his hate for her and the thirst for her blood has taken over his most desirable feelings. He wants to see her again, for closure, to warn her. For if she steps foot in his realm again, he will take what he has always wanted from her then tear her apart piece by piece.

"Theodor, bring me a mage able to astral project." Roan demands.

Theodore bows, hands clasped together tucked into his sleeves.
"Yes your highness." He replies and scurries away. He returns to the throne room with Vash, who looks eager to please.

"My King?" She bows.

"Vash, gather your ceremonial artifacts for astral projection! I wish to see her!" He snaps.

Vash jumps, her voice barely a whisper.
"B-but my King, it is unsafe in your state of mind to be astral projecting across seas. You will be vulnerable to any opposing force, your mother told you...."

"MY MOTHER IS NOT HERE! Do it! Or I'll have the beasts outside the castle do what they want with you." He shouts letting thunder out.

She jumps again and whimpers at his anger then summons her orb.

"Very well, Theordore we need Tess and Tine." She commands.

He nods and leaves the room to fetch them. A few minutes later they are joined by the two mages, equally frightened and unsure.

"Are you sure about this Roan? Your mother specifically said not to do this!" Tess cautiously says.

Roam leans forward in his seat.
"I suggest you do as I say..." He threatens.

The two women share worried glances and proceed with the ceremonial preparations. Five candles, salt harvested from the sea, and the scroll bearing the incantation.

Vash comes before Roan.
"Please...Roan, you must remove any metals and personal items not involved with your objective projection from your body so as not to disrupt the flow."

He stands removing everything down to his slacks, except for one thing, a small throwing knife that belonged to Brianna, which he had found tucked away under a pillow in her room. He grips it in his hand and watches the mages lay out the salt in a runic symbol defining the gods of death, life, and in the between. Around that, they place large candles and set them aflame. Then Vash holds up her orb fueling it with mana, and Tess begins to read from the scripture.

Vash looks up to Roan as he waits patiently. She can barely set her eyes on him these days. She had watched this boy grow from birth, into a handsome, strong and caring knight of Lesteros. But now he is just a pawn in a twisted plot to conquer the world. She pittys him, and wishes a different life for him. But what is done cannot be undone, he is under the ownership of a death god, and only mortality can break that. A tear slips down her cheek for him.

"We're ready Vash." Tine says pulling her out of thought.

She nods and clears her throat.
"Roan it is time, please take your place inside the circle." She waves him over. "Remember to count the starlings, no more than 5 birds."

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