First Flight

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"So is it that the knights of Emeriss had captured one of the greatest fighters in the world? Were you not keeping up with training?" I ask with a sly smirk on my face and take a few stabs at my dinner with my fork.

He scowls at me and I burst out laughing. I had always poked fun at him. But he was the one who taught me the art of a sharp tongue in the first place.

"Breezie, it seems that your tongue is still causing too much trouble." He replies.

"That's not all the causes of trouble around here." Vance whispers.

Jedrek laughs.

"After the battle of the Wind Chamber ended, I wasn't able to come home. I'm sorry for that. You see, I was on my way home, when I stumbled across a secret society known as the Mutamarid. They held me captive at first, but using my skills and good looks..."

I roll my eyes.

"I was quickly recruited as their highest ranked trainer. It was then that I found out about Emeriss and King Galen, also Queen Evelyn and everyone else involved in summoning Thanatos. I knew you were safe at the time Breezie, and it was best that I stayed where I was helping them fight against the evil creeping out from the shadows. I believe the rebels you speak of are the same people who recruited me."

"So you can help us persuade them into joining us?" I ask.

"Yes, but they don't belong to a ruler anymore. They won't follow you in that way." My father replies.

"That's fine, as long as they fight under my command there won't be any problems." I say and take a sip of my beer.

"Well, we all are fighting for the same thing." Vance replies, finishing off his plate of food.

It was then Vance and my father began to chat about fighting skills and techniques, then getting into gladiator battles. Now that sparked my interest.

"So after challenging King Galen to battle, which I did win, he used mage craft to subdue me into becoming a slave to the gladiators tournament. I would fight for him and he would keep me alive as long as I made him money and fame. Which of course I did. And who would have thought my daughter would walk in there and take them down in one night. Ironic isn't it?" He chuckles.

"It is, it would seem fate was on our side...and after all this time father you haven't aged a day." I say sarcastically.

"Oh shut up you!" He cackles.

I slam the rest of my beer and stand and kiss my father on the cheek.
"Well I have some business to tend to with a dragon. I will leave you two to get acquainted." I say to Vance and my father. They both look at each other.

"Come find me when you're finished Bri." Vance says. I smile and blow him a kiss.

Vance grins and starts a conversation he knows my father will love. "So what do you know about lances Sir?"

"Well..." Jed begins and they start into a deep conversation about combat and battles and I take my leave.

I walk the halls of angelic flame torches. Listening to the wind whispering through the arched windows.

"And where do you think you're going, shouldn't you be heading to your room for a rest?." A male voice calls behind me. I turn around to see Kit standing arms crossed with his typical handsome smile.

"I have a dragon to make comfortable, care to join me?"

"I'm not sure if I want to be a part of that..." He replies nervously.

"Oh Kit, don't be such a baby! I'll hold your hand the whole way if you like." I stick my tongue out at him.

His eyes squint at me and he grins.
"Well only if you hold my hand." He says.

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