Chapter 16

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We are in Christina's car. It moves along the road. You can feel the tiny bumps under the wheels when you race over the top of them.

"Where is the party at?" I ask.

"Uriah's and Zeke's again" she says.

It takes us around 10 minutes to get to the party. Uriah and Zeke live in Dauntless. That's the main reason I wanted to move there. Out the front of the entrance to the apartments there are heaps of cars.

"OMG, there are heaps of cars out the front!" I say nervously.

"Hey, it is mainly the other Dauntless people who live here. Don't be nervous. Just kiss Uriah" she says.

"What?!" I yell.

"Just kiss him! I know you like him! And I bet he likes you too!" She winks while getting out of the car.

"Why is Four at the party?" I ask.

"He is still close with Zeke" she says.

As we walk up to the door I tell myself soothing things,
'It okay, relax. It's just a party. Kiss Uriah it will be fine!' It kinda works.

Christina knocks on the door. The door opens revealing Zeke. His mouth drops when he sees me and Christina.

"Close your mouth Zeke, you'll catch flies" I laugh while walking into the apartment. The music is booming and people are everywhere.

"I'll text you when I find Four! I'm gonna go get us a drink" Christina yells over the loud music.

"Okay!" I yell back.

I see Uriah near the wall, leaning up against it. I walk over to him.

"Hey buddy!" I yell as I give him a hug.

"You look absolutely gorgeous!" He yells.

"Thank you, wanna dance?" I laugh.

I pull him along to the dance floor. We dance crazily.
This is the most fun I have had in ages!

"Hey Tris" he yells

"Yo!" I yell

"I took Marlene back" he yells.

"That's awesome, dude!" I yell.

I'm happy for Uriah. I'm glad he took Marlene back. I know I liked him and all, but that is awesome. I still hate her for cheating with Four. But you have to forget the past and live in the Now.

There is something I have to do and it's right here at this party.

"I have to go somewhere" I yell.

"Okay" Uriah yells back.

I walk up the stairs to a bedroom. I get a text from Chrissy,

"Four is walking out the front door, just saw him then ~ C

Thanks, I'm going after him ~ T

Do what you gotta do. Whatever choice you make, I'm right behind you~ C

Okay, thank you~ T

I take off my heels and run down the stairs. I make my way through the front door and look left and right. I go right since it's the outdoor carpark is there.

I turn the corner and see Four.

"Four!" I yell.

He turns his head, his eyes grow wide when they meet my body.
"Tris..." he whispers. I could only read his lips because he is far in front of me.

"I miss you" I say as tears run down my cheeks.

"I miss you too" he smiles.

I run up to him. It takes a minute for me to run to him because he is on the otherside of the hall. He is just outside.

I run and clash my lips upon his.
The honey taste fills my mouth again. I have missed his plump pinkish lips and his sparkling brown eyes.

The kiss deepens. Our tongues tangle between eachother. This moment is one of the best moments in my life.

I know he cheated on me and I will never be able to forget that. But I can't live without him and he can't live without me. I love him. I need him.

He is mine and I am his...
And it had been that was all along.

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