Chapter 38.

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"I need a ambulance to go to 6 Dauntless Ave. I think my girlfriend is trying to commit suicide" I say. My heart beat is racing. I need to get to Tris. Before it's too late.

"Okay, we are on our way" the lady says. I hang up the phone and run towards the door. No even acknowledging that Zeke is asking where I'm going.

I get into the car and speed to Tris. I get a phone call from Christina.

"Tobias, I just got a text from Tris, she is saying goodbye. What's happening?" She sounds worried.

"Christina, I will let you know as soon as possible. Right now I need to save Tris" I shout. I hang up the phone and continue speeding towards home. I'm going 100kms in a 80km area.

I am about 5 minutes away now.

Tris POV|
I still haven't swallowed the pills yet. I'm just staring at them. My phone buzzes. It's a message, from Christina.

"What's going on Tris? Are you okay?"

I shake my head and I click my phone off and walk over to the mirror. I look at my reflection.

I see a small, skinny girl with dried and messy hair. The honey glow from my hair has faded to a dull blonde. The redness in my cheeks has gone. My eyes are a dark shade of hazel with black edges. I have big, black bags under my eyes. My collarbone sticks out, making my tattoo look all disorientated. I look hopeless. I am hopeless.
I look at the pills.

I can do this.

I want to do this.

I need to do this.

Tobias POV|
I arrive at the apartment and sprit towards the door. It's locked! I fumble for the keys and unlock the door. I stumble inside.
"TRIS!" I yell. I run upstairs and into her bedroom. The bed sheets are all ruffled and everywhere. She hasn't left that bed in 3 days.

I run over to the bathroom door located near the end of the bed. I open the door surprised that it wasn't locked. I knock something over. Not something, but someone.

Tris POV|

The door springs open and the pills fall out of my hand onto the floor. I whip my head around and see Tobias.

I drop to the ground and pick up the pills. I put 2 pills into my mouth.

"NO! Tris stop!" Tobias yells pulling my arms back.

3 Pills.

"Stop!" I yell, "let go of me!"

4 pills.

Tobias grabs the last pill and chucks it somewhere. Other people are surrounding him. People from the hospital. I fall onto the ground. The pills are working. Tobias comes into my line of vision, cradling me in this arms. My cheeks are hot with tears and I can feel Tobias' drip onto my face.

"I love you" I choke.



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