Chapter 4

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I stand in the waiting line of the schools cafeteria. The room fills with laughs and screams of students.

I walk up and grab a tray, as I make my way along I grab a salad and a Lemonade.
I look at all the tables. There are tables with, the popular girls (sluts!), the jockeys (slut magnets!), computer geeks, musicians, gangsters and then there's Christina's group.

I stand there and see where to sit, until someone comes up and taps me on the shoulder. I turn around. Four.

"Hey, come sit with us" says Four

"Okay" I smile as four leads the way to the table.

"Heyyyy!!" Uriah calls out in a girly tone, which happens to bring a smile to my face. I take a seat between Uriah and Four.

"So Tris, where did you move from?" Christina asks.
"Um...I moved from LA"

"Cool! Did you like it in LA?" She asks.

"No not really." I say.

"Whys That?"

"Um..I have to go to the bathroom" I say getting up and running to the bathroom.

I start crying. I hated my last school and I hate talking about it!
I walk over to the mirror and see my face all splotchy and red from crying.

I head back out the bathroom doors and see Four standing there. He seams to notice I have been crying. I try to walk away but he grabs my wrist.

"Hey" he says pulling me towards him.

"What?" I snap.

"What happened back there?" He asks.

"Nothing happened" I say.

"Tris, I can see you have been crying and there was definitely something that happened. Was it about LA?" He asks.

I fall to my knees and start sobbing and crying uncontrollably. He gets down and brings me into his arms. Whispering soothing things into my ear to try and calm me down.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"Hey, you have nothing to be sorry for" he tells me. "If you ever need to talk or want to talk here's my number" he says passing me a card.

"Thanks, here's mine" I say passing him a crinkled sheet of paper.

We stand up and walk back to our table....hand in hand.
Sorry For The Sucky Chapter.
Guys in the next couple of chapters you will find out about what happened in LA!
Vote and Comment!💕
~ AJ💫

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