Chapter 41

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Tobias and I fell asleep after our amazing session. I wake up and smile noticing that he is still asleep. I look at the time and it's around 10am. I hop up from the bed pushing the bed sheets off my body. I walk, naked, into the bathroom and hop into the shower.

The hot water falls onto my body. I get the shampoo and massage it onto the scalp, then I use the conditioner. After in done washing out my hair and washing my body, with soap, I get out of the shower and wrap the towel around me.

I walk into the bedroom and Tobias isn't there.

I shrug my shoulders. He must be downstairs. I put on a crème coloured dress that ends at my knees and has little sleeves that end just before my shoulder does. I dry my hair and put it into a bun.

I put a little bit of foundation on and some mascara.

I hang my towel up and head downstairs, being careful not to fall over this time. I make it to the end of the stairs, uninjured. All the lights are off and the curtains are closed, making it hard to see where I'm going.

"Tobias?" I say squinting my eyes. Then all the lights turn on and people jump our from all directions screaming
"Happy Birthday!!"

I stand there stunned, they all look at me strangely because I have been standing here for a couple of minutes, not doing anything. Just standing.

I laugh. "Holy Shit!" Everyone joins in laughing. Christina runs over to me and hugs me.

"Did you do this?" I smile.

She shakes her head, "No! It's wasn't me. It was your boyfriend" she laughs. Tobias walks over to me, smirking.

I nudge him, "I said nothing big!" I smile.

"Well, I have been quite the person to not follow the rules" he grins. He puts his lips to mine, before pulling back.

I look at the room. There are streamers and balloons everywhere. There is a banner with "Happy Birthday" written on it with colourful writing. On the kitchen bench there is a variety of food. Pizza, pasta, pies, sausage rolls, burgers, chips and dip, donuts and chicken wings!

I walk over to the food and gasp in awe. This is awesome! But one thing catches my eye.

A pasta bake. Only my mother makes pasta bakes. I turn around and see my mother and father standing together behind me.

"OMG!" I scream. I run to them and hug them.

"I haven't seen you guys in ages! How are you?" I say.

"We are good, honey. We have been out of town since you left. I don't think we told you." My mother says.

"My mistake. Sorry" my dad says smiling.

"It's okay, I'm glad you guys could come! I've missed you guys so much" I smile.

"How have you been?" My dad asks.

In my mind I see pain, hurt and a million other things that would count in the category of being in pain.

"I'm good" I lie. I smile.

"That's good, dear" he says. My mother and father are standing there holding hands. They both look...happy.

"Here is your present, from us" she smiles.

"Oh! Thanks guys!" I smile taking the envelope from my mothers hand. It is in a pink wrap and has a purple bow. Tobias stands behind me while I open the envelope. The card has a little bear on it holding a balloon. I open the card and there is money in there. $2000 dollars! I gasp. Then 2 bits of paper fall onto the ground I pick them up and it is....

2 Plane Tickets To NYC On The 30th of December! Tears slip out of my eyes.

"Omg, thank you!" I cry hugging them together. They both rub my back.

I have always wanted to go to New York. The parks, the subways, the shops and everything else! It's just so perfect. This birthday is perfect. And it's only my first present! I turn around to look at Tobias. He has a bright smile on his face. He kisses the top of my head.

"Oh! Mom, Dad this is Four. My boyfriend" I smile.

"Nice to see you, Mr and Mrs Prior" he says shaking there hands.

"Hello, call us Natalie and Andrew" my mother smiles.

End Of The Day|| 5pm

Everyone left about an hour ago. I got heaps of presents.

Uriah = Gift Card to Starbucks and a Starbucks coffee mug
Christina and Will = makeup, salmon coloured dress, skinny jeans, black singlet and some earrings.
Lynn = tattoo gift card and a pellet gun
Shauna = a pair of black combat boots and a Forever 21 gift card
Zeke = a Waffle House gift card and...condoms.
Tobias = Nothing...yet.

I walk over to Tobias who is laying on the couch watching TV.

"Hey babe, where is my present?" I whine.

"I have decided to take you out for dinner and then you will receive your present" he smiles.

"Oh thanks baby! Would you like me to make table reservatio---"

"Already done we are leaving at 7pm" he smirks, "the place is a surprise too"

I plop down beside him and snuggle into his arms. The earth radiates off of him onto me, making me feel like home.

Sorry for not updating in ages!💖

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