Chapter 37

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I reach in the draw again...Pain Killers.

If I have too much at once, I'll be gone. On the box it says to take one. I'm taking 5.

I pour the pills into my hand. Some dropping into the floor. Before I place them inside my mouth, I decide to text the group.

"Hey guys. I'm sorry about everything. I was a screw up. I was just a 19 year old piece of shit. Thanks for all the laughs and making me feel like I belonged somewhere. But right now, I need to escape the pain. I love you guys, always and forever. Goodbye"

I click send. The message was sent to Uriah, Zeke, Shauna, Lynn, Christina and Will.

Now Tobias.

Dear Tobias. Ever since I first layed eyes on you, I knew it was a connection. I have never thought about someone the way I did with you. You made me feel happy in the darkest of times. You made me feel like a belonged somewhere in this world. When I first made love to you, I knew you were the one I wanted to spend the rest if my life with. Then when we found out that I was pregnant, I knew that this was the start of something big. You were fully supportive through the whole journey. But right now, I can't live with this pain anymore. I just wanted to say that, I didn't want to leave you. I love you forever and always. I'll wait an eternity for you. Go be happy, you deserve it. I'm Sorry, Goodbye Baby x

I send the message. I scream and cry, my knees buckle causing me to fall to the floor. I lay down on the floor and look at the pills, how can something so small, be so deadly? I don't put the pills in my mouth yet. I just stare at them.

Tobias POV|
I arrived at Zeke's about 20 minutes ago. I am talking to Zeke until my phone goes off with a buzz. It's a message from Tris.

'Dear Tobias. Ever since I first layed eyes on you, I knew it was a connection. I have never thought about someone the way I did with you. You made me feel happy in the darkest of times. You made me feel like a belonged somewhere in this world. When I first made love to you, I knew you were the one I wanted to spend the rest if my life with. Then when we found out that I was pregnant, I knew that this was the start of something big. You were fully supportive through the whole journey. But right now, I can't live with this pain anymore. I just wanted to say that, I didn't want to leave you. I love you forever and always. I'll wait an eternity for you. Go be happy, you deserve it. I'm Sorry, Goodbye Baby x'

Oh shit! I pick up my phone and call 911.

"Hello, what is your emergency"

"I need a ambulance to go to 6 Dauntless Ave. I think my girlfriend is trying to commit suicide"

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