Dizzy Spiral of Confliction

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•Y/N: Your Name
•M/N: Mother's Name
•F/N: Father's Name
•L/N: Last Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

—————————————————__________________________________Author's POV:__________________________________

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The ride home was hardly pleasant. All was silent and tense between the driver and passengers. Not even the Boogeyman had said a word from the backseat as he starred unnervingly at his victim. The expression appeared gentle on his face, however, Y/N still didn't care for it. She was lost in her head, scared and confused, betrayed.

Every now and then, she'd glance up at the rearview mirror and meet the monster's pale eyes only to look back down at her lap immediately. Sniffling, she wipes her nose on her sleeve, the action catching the attention of her father, who glances over for a moment before looking back at the road ahead of him. He takes a deep breath and opens his mouth only to shut it soon after. He couldn't bring himself to say anything.

As much as he loves his daughter and understands why she doesn't want to be admitted, her condition was seeming to get much worse. She was acting different, shouting, getting angry and frustrated. He didn't want to believe that she might've actually done something to that boy, Keith. Y/N just wasn't like that— At least, she didn't use to be, but with these sudden outbursts happening, he couldn't help but wonder, as much as he hated to think of it.

He wants to help her; he always has, but it was so hard to understand sometimes... Most times. As parents, they could only do so much. Mrs. Williams had suggested a number of facilities to consider. Nothing was set in stone. He wanted to discuss it with M/N first and try to possibly convince Y/N it might be a good idea as well if they decide it was time for it.

This has gone on for a long time. They've done the most that they could. It was painful seeing his daughter suffering like this. For a moment there, he thought that things were looking up. She was improving, but now... Slightly, F/N's hands tightened around the wheel. What happened? Why did she suddenly snap back into it? He had been so hopeful.

"We're almost home," he announces, breaking the silence in a soft, shaky voice. "Is there anything you'd like to do? Watch a movie, maybe?" Sniffling again, Y/N raises her head a bit, hands clenching and unclenching around her seatbelt.

"C- Can we have popcorn?" she requests quietly, her voice a mere squeak. Shoulders relaxing, F/N smiles and nods his head.

"Yeah." Heavily, he sighs as they turn into the driveway before getting out of the parked car. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end when she sensed the creature standing directly behind her, and her body shuddered. She half-expected to hear him teasing her about their earlier embrace, but he has said nothing, nothing at all to indicate what he was thinking. He had not stated his opinions on the situation at all. Once inside, F/N guides his daughter into the living room before having her sit on the couch.

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