Black Dahlia

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color
•H/C: Hair Color

Author's POV:

——————————————————____________________________________Author's POV:____________________________________

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Keith's lips pull into a snarl, angered to a nuclear level at the intrusion of Y/N's tutor. The boy had only met the man once and has honestly hated him ever since. When his girlfriend spoke to him about this wonderful teacher, he blew it off, even though she talked of him frequently. He remembers meeting him at her house, however, and he had seen the gifts held in the man's hands. What kind of teacher brings his student presents like that? He got a huge bouquet of flowers for her! Luckily, he had asked her to be his that day, and that eased his mind a bit then. He had been so tempted to sucker punch that guy back then, and now, he wants to do it again and again until there was nothing but a hole left in place of his face.

"Mind your damn business, old man! Get out of here before I call the cops on you for trespassing!" Pilvrich was left unfazed by the boys threat and steps into the house slamming the broken door hard behind him, causing both Y/N and the blonde to flinch on instinct. For a moment, the older man's eyes dart over to the sobbing girl on the floor who stares at him with a silent plea that stung his heart and filled it with rage unbridled. This was ending today, here and now,

For there is only one allowed to torment that meek, little mouse.

"Old man, you say?" He breathes out a short laugh, his right shoulder twitching up and down rapidly with popping sounds, stunning Keith as the teacher donned an unnaturally wide grin full of sharp, white teeth as thin as needles. E/C eyes widen with pure terror as her skin paled, like her very soul was sucked out of her. Her body did not tremble, did not breathe, did not think as that man ran towards them. Y/N swore that, for a moment, her heart stopped and that, at last, her life had met its end when a deafening roar broke through the home.

Thin fingers grow long with loud cracks emanating from the joints as short nails lengthen and sharpen to a point when Pilvrich rips the boy off his student and launches him straight into the nearest wall. Strands of H/C are torn from Y/N's head due to Keith's rough grasp of it while the prongs of the fork dislodge from her shoulder, awakening her from her horrified daze. Her expression was nothing less of pure terror as she frantically tries to crawl away, but her limbs felt numb, tingly and too light to carry her away. It was almost as though they were nonexistent. She waited to hear the pounding of her heart and received a frantic drumming that drowned out the world around her.

She saw nothing. Her world had turned black and consumed her. She could not catch her breath and she could not blink, only watch from the sidelines as the body of her tutor twisted and disfigured in front of the boy she had thought to be her friend. Keith punched and kicked, even attempted to bite the hand that held him by the collar of his shirt and held him a good four inches off the ground. Silver eyes roll back into Pilvrich's head to reveal nothing but a milky, white haze as his bone structure changed to a more feminine guise. There was one thing he knew that would set this boy off, and he intended to torture him well for laying filthy fingers upon his beloved toy mouse.

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