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•E/C: Eye Color
•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

My body trembles beneath my warm, white comforter as I toss and turn in my bed. I can't sleep, nor do I want to, but if I don't, then I'll have to look upon the monster again. The night is the only time he comes unbearably close to me, which makes matters way worse. I don't know what's more terrifying: the nightmares or his face. I think they might be equal in terms of traumatizing.

'I can't take this anymore! I should just kill myself to make this end!' My eyes snap open to reveal my wide, E/C orbs.

"Kill...myself," I mutter under my breath. The mere thought of finally getting peace at the price of my life actually sounds...tempting. An airy laugh escapes my lips.

'That's it. I just have to kill myself and it'll all go away. No more nightmares, no more monster, no more living in fear of every little thing! I'll be free!' Just when I'm about to lift myself off the mattress, the lights flicker. I find myself paralyzed with fear and remain on the bed with my back flat against the mattress.

Thump, thump.

Thump, thump.

Thump, thump.

My heart, it's beating so fast. I feel like it might explode. Tears prick the corners of my eyes as I cover my ears and curl into a fetal position. I squeeze my eyes shut while breathing heavily.

'No! I can't take another night of this! I just can't! Why can't he just go away?!' I feel a sob climbing its way up my throat as a weight climbs onto the bed. I can sense the creature hovering over me, so I can't help but whimper fearfully as tears roll down my cheeks from my sealed eyes. He releases a haunting laugh that's light and eerie, causing a shiver to run down my spine.

"Plotting to kill yourself, are you?" The monster purrs out in amusement, making me shudder. I can practically see the grin on his dripping face.

"Well, I feel obliged to mention, little mouse, that if you do commit suicide," there's a small pause before I feel his cold breath on my ear, making me jump. My bottom lip quivers as he finishes his warning. "You'll belong to me eternally in Hell."

I can't help but gulp as more tears stream down my face. My heart hurts badly knowing that sliver of hope had disappeared from my grasp.

'No, that can't be true! He has to be lying, he just has to!'

"Just you, me, and a lifetime of nightmares. Oh, just the thought gets me excited. Go ahead, then, kill yourself. That way the real fun can begin." Dark chuckles escape his mouth making me sob harder. I shake my head frantically to show him that I've shoved the idea out of my head. He laughs at my response to the dreadful information.

"No? You don't want to be in Hell with me?" He asks in an almost teasing voice. He knows my answer. "Well, then, I guess you'll just have to be a good little mouse and sleep. I have a real good one for you tonight."

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