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•E/C: Eye Color
•H/L: Hair Length
•Y/N: Your Name
•H/C: Hair Color

Your POV:

My eyes remain wide in shock, while I remain unsure of whether or not I should be really afraid right now of the monster's disappearance. The E/C orbs dart around the bedroom nervously as I search for any sign of the Boogeyman, but there's nothing. He really is gone. Some of my tensions fade away, which is nice, but I know better than to fully let my guard down. I jump with a small squeal escaping my lips when a gentle hand is set on my shoulder. Shakily, I turn my head, but thankfully, it's only Pilvrich.

"I'll have a look around just to make sure. Why don't you have a seat on the bed while you wait?"

Biting the inside of my cheek, I lightly nod my head before walking over to the bed and sitting on the plush mattress. I bring my knees up to my chest and wrap my trembling arms around them to steady myself. I can't help but wonder if he left because of our deal or because he knew Pilvrich has come to kill him. Either way, he's gone right now, which somewhat relieves me. I watch closely as the dark-haired man wanders around my room while conducting a thorough search for the terrifying creature. He checked the closet and the space beneath my bed, even the drawers in my dresser, but turned up empty, just as I predicted. While he's busy with that, my eyes wander over to the black notebook on top of my nightstand. It's my dream journal. I haven't written in it today, but maybe he could find some use out of it.

"Nothing." Pilvrich sighs in frustration as he has a seat on the edge of the mattress before pushing back his black hair with his hand. I reach over to the notebook and grab it before holding it out to my tutor. His silver eyes stare at it for a moment before meeting my E/C orbs. I find myself looking away, though, and shuffle nervously. "What's this?" He asks while gently taking the book from my hands, which drop onto my lap as I unfold my legs.

"I-I've b-been keeping a d-dream journal," I explain in a soft voice while fiddling with my fingers. Pilvrich hums and opens the notebook to the first page. His eyes skim the words as he talks.

"Do you ever look them over?"

My E/C orbs widen, and I frantically shake my head in response.

"N-no. I don't want to relive any of them. T-they were all t-t-terrible." I gulp and lower my head, allowing my H/L hair to fall in front of my face to hide it. A film of tears coat my eyes, but I manage to hold in the urge to cry. All those nightmares left bad memories. I never want to go back to any of them.

"I can see that. He's put you through a lot."

"Last night, I made a deal with him," I mutter, nearly inaudibly, gaining his interest. I continue a bit louder so that he can hear me better. "H-he said if I beat him, I g-get two days without him p-pestering me. I didn't t-think he'd keep his word, especially s-since he looked so...angry."

I gulp, remembering the expression on the monster's face when I won his game. He certainly was not pleased. He probably didn't think I'd escape the maze so easily. I flinch when a hand pushes my hair away to reveal my features. Pilvrich offers me a kind smile that makes my heart pound rapidly, though, not in fear. I can feel a touch of heat on my cheeks as I look down again.

"He won't hurt you, Y/N. I'll make sure of it."

I gulp, my pale cheeks turning a brighter shade of pink as the man goes back to reading my journal entries. A question comes to mind, however, when I recall something the Boogeyman said last night to me. He claimed to have never done anything to physically harm me, which I'm still skeptical about, but why? Is he powerless outside the mind or perhaps weaker? It wouldn't hurt to ask if Pilvrich knows anything about it. After all, he's been so kind to me. Besides, if my hypothesis is correct, attacking him physically might be an advantage for us.

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