Placed Blame

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•Y/N: Your Name
•F/N: Father's Name
•M/N: Mother's Name

Author's POV:

—————————————————Author's POV:__________________________________

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Poor, poor Y/N. How betrayal can haunt a person. To have loved only to find everything she knew was a lie. The boy she found so sweet and understanding ended up a crazy, anger-filled maniac who attempted to kill her. The man who she had cared for as her protector and tutor had ended up the very monster she sought to get rid of. She felt as though no one could be trusted ever again. Sadly, her pain has not ended, and her story continues its journey through the valley of sorrows. In the murk lies a new threat about to dig its way into her life. Poor, poor Y/N. It's as though the universe has cursed her...

That morning was a dreary one to match her mood, shrouded by dark skies threatening to pour down rain at any given moment, but for now, it is still. The girl felt no chill of the beast's gaze. He was not around, which was one thing to be thankful for. She could not help but dread thinking about when they'll meet again at night. No more nightmares, he says. Well, if that is true, then what will he do next? Pleasant dreams? Ha! How can she trust that? She moves slow through her routine, changing out of her sleepwear, then brushing her teeth and hair even though she lacked the energy. Her eyes were empty, glossy, like those of a doll. She only snapped out of it when a man came knocking on the front door, loudly and harshly followed by incoherent shouting. The sound made her shriek and fall to the floor with a hand over her frantic heart. She was not the only one startled this time, however. Even her parents had been surprised by the violent rapping.

"What in the world?" F/N, on-guard, goes to check it out with M/N right behind him, while Y/N remains on the upper floor, near the top of the stairs, peering around the corner to spy. Her trembling fingers cling to the wall as they open the door, revealing Keith's father on the other side. The blonde stands there, face bright red with anger and bloodshot eyes full of tears. This caught everyone off-guard.

"Where is she?! Where the fuck is she?!" He exclaims, about to march into the house uninvited only for M/N to block his way with a stern face.

"What is the meaning of this?" She tries to speak calmly to get the man to settle down, but it did nothing to settle his fury.

"Your daughter killed my fucking son!" At that, the whole room silenced. Even breaths were held in momentarily as his words sunk in. Y/N felt as though her soul had been sucked from her body as she fell to the floor again, hand over her mouth and eyes tearing up in disbelief.

'No... No!' She had been so caught up with the Boogeyman that she didn't even think about what had happened to Keith. She had seen him foaming at the mouth before falling limp. Perhaps, she thought he had merely fainted, but still, it was pushed to the back of her mind after she found out the truth about Pilvrich.

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