Frightening Suggestion

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color
•F/N: Father's Name
•L/N: Last Name

Author's POV:

—————————————————Author's POV:_________________________________

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The morning was uncomfortable, to say the least. As Y/N got ready to see her therapist, the creature traced her every step, wearing that human face that she struggled to look at for long periods without feeling betrayed and depressed. Pilvrich said no words and wore no emotion on his face, just stood behind her as she ate her breakfast and made herself somewhat presentable. At least he kept a good distance, though for obvious reasons, she wished he wasn't behind her at all. The ride there was just as uneasy, from the odd expression on her father's face to the creature sitting calmly behind the driver's seat as though he were a normal passenger. Y/N chewed on the skin around her nails as she forced herself to look out the window, but even then, she couldn't escape the image of Pilvrich in the reflection. He stared at her from the corner of his eye for some time before directing his attention forward until they reached their destination. They didn't even have to wait long in the waiting room before the girl was called into Mrs. William's office.

Like usual, she sat stiffly on the semi-comfortable sofa before being joined by the creature, who normally would've hidden in some crevice around the room to build her paranoia. It felt strange having him sit out in the open like this. She wished he'd at least move to the farther end of the couch, but stayed silent, nonetheless. Maybe he would've listened to the request now that he had a fondness for her, but there is another person in the room analyzing everything. That left her more anxious.

"Good morning, Y/N. How are you today?" asks the older woman as she faces the girl with a smile that was borderline weary. Y/N didn't notice it anyways due to her head being lowered to view the trembling hands resting on her lap. She wrung them nervously and slightly parted her quivering lips to speak, however, all that came out were the monster's favorite sounds, squeaks. For once, the Boogeyman felt no enjoyment hearing them. With a small hum, Mrs. Williams reclined in her chair.

"It's come to my attention that Keith passed away recently." Sharply, Y/N's teeth sunk into her bottom lip, drawing a few spots of blood as her hands tightened their pressure around each other. "I imagine you must be upset about that. You two were dating, weren't you?" Stiffly, the younger woman nods, her tears flooding her eyes. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

"W- We were h- having a date," she croaks out in a soft whisper. "A- A- And he attacked me." The scribbling of a pen gliding across a pad of paper caught her attention, and she was sure the therapist was taking notes of their session. She often did, so Y/N ignored it and wiped her watery eyes on her sleeve, the blood from her lip leaving a small stain on it. The sight of crimson made her ill.

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