Blossoming Friendship

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•Y/N: Your Name
•L/N: Last Name
•E/C: Eye Color
•M/N: Mother's Name
•F/N: Father's Name

Author's POV:

"Ring around the rosies~" sang a deep, velvety voice that sent shivers down Y/N's spine. She spins around, hoping to pinpoint the source of the sound within the surrounding darkness, but she can see nothing. The noise bounces around, echoing creepily in all directions.

"A pocket full of posies~"

Heavy thuds come from Y/N's chest like a pounding drum as she gulps fearfully. She was unsure of what would happen this time around, so she was left incredibly jumpy. Anything can jump out at her from the darkness, and not knowing what that anything is, caused fear to gnaw at her insides.


Suddenly, there's a loud thud that makes the teenager jump before the ground begins to shake violently. A small yelp slips past her slightly chapped lips upon falling on her hands and knees from the rough vibrations.


When attempting to get back on her feet, Y/N topples over again after the ground shakes harder than before. Grunting, she props herself up with her elbows before getting into a pushup position. Her E/C eyes grow wide when a red, jagged line forms between her hands, causing the ground to crack and split. While hurrying to find her feet, Y/N could hear the Boogeyman laugh at her misfortune. The ground splits apart more as she tries to outrun it.

Fire and lava pools at the bottom of the deep trench that's forming. The unbearable heat nips at the teen's skin as sweat begins to leak down her face. She fights past the tiredness and soreness in her legs to continue running at a fast pace to escape the splitting ground. The poor limbs practically beg the girl to stop, but her mind urges her to continue running. Soon, her body can't take anymore, and she stumbles.

In this moment, the crack in the floor catches up with her, and the rock crumbles beneath her feet. A scream escapes her as she falls into the trench. Luckily, she managed to grab the ledge with both hands, so she desperately clings to it while mentally hoping that the rock will hold. Another scream escapes her in pain when the flames flick against the bottoms of her bare feet. A bubble in the boiling lava pops, spitting up the burning substance onto Y/N's arm.

A sharp gasp escapes her as her hand instinctively releases the ledge after being burned. The tears on her face evaporate due to the excruciating heat as she tries to pull herself out of the trench. She stops herself, however, when a familiar figure approaches her distressed form. Those haunting, white eyes stare down at her with a gleam of amusement in them. With a wide grin, he places a foot over her remaining hand. The female winces in pain when his clawed toenails dig into the flesh, and she softly whimpers when blood spills from the puncture marks. The red liquid leaks down her arm as she trembles. Her arm hurts badly from the strain of supporting her body weight, and he was only making the feeling worse. She sends the monster a pleading look, catching him off guard.

"P-Please, d-d-don't," she begs in a barely audible voice over the crackling flames. Her words make him laugh, causing Y/N's heart to drop as he gets on one knee and leans close to her face.

"We all fall down~"

Y/N's eyes widen in fear as he stands up and pushes her hand off the cliff with his foot. She screams as she falls backwards into the fire, her body burning to ash before she could even hit the lava. The moment she dies in the dream, the teenager shoots up from the bed with a loud scream before scratching violently at the skin on her upper arms in a state of hysterics. Upon hearing the sound of their daughter in distress, M/N and F/N jump out of bed and rush to Y/N's room to restrain her arms and flailing legs as she screams nonsense. This was becoming a common occurrence.

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