Faith and Trust

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Your POV:

The past few months have been strange for me. A lot has happened. For one, the Boogeyman has mysteriously disappeared, much to my relief, which has allowed me to live a somewhat normal life for awhile, but I'm scared that one day this peace might end. Aside from that, I've made lots of progress on my recovery. Lately, I've been sleeping good, eating properly, taking better care of myself, and I've even gotten better at talking. I hardly ever stutter anymore; it's great!

What makes me the happiest is knowing that I'll be able to spend my eighteenth birthday without having to worry about that horrible beast looming over me in the shadows. Still, I remain vigilant, not knowing if that... that thing will ever come back again. Hopefully, he's gone for good. Pilvrich has been a great help to me as well with his frequent visits as both my tutor and protector, but most of all as my friend. We've grown so much closer now that I'd even dare to consider him as my older brother.

I've never voiced that to him, though, figuring that he might find it weird. I've also gone against the will of the beast and started talking to Keith again. He's here right now, actually, in my bedroom. We've been hanging out a lot after I apologized for ignoring him. He was really upset with me when I did that, even yelled a little, but I understood why he felt betrayed. Through my tears, I had managed to explain why, and he, thankfully, seemed to understand and forgave me.

"Hey, Y/N, do you think I'd look good with a beard?" I laugh at his silly question as he looks at himself in the mirror in thought. He turns to me and pouts, not happy with the response. "Oh, come on, I'm serious."

"I think you'd look ridiculous," I admit truthfully. I can't possibly imagine him with facial hair. He sticks his tongue out at me before sitting on the bed by my side.

"T-There's, uh... something else I've been meaning to ask you, actually." Red tints the male's freckled cheeks as he turns his gaze away from my E/C eyes. I tilt my head some and stare at him questioningly.


"Well, I r-r-really like you... a lot. Y-You're funny and sweet, and I a-always think about the time w-when you tried t-to protect me from y-your monster. I- I think I might... Well, my dad said that I... that I might love you and that I s-sh-should try asking you out, like, on a... d-date." When his eyes meet mine, I could only stare at him in shock. He's embarrassed for asking according to the florescent blush on his face.

"I-I've never been on a date before," I state truthfully. I was never around someone long enough to gain feelings for them. If I ever did, the monster would've surely found a way to ruin it for me. Besides, I had a lot more to worry about than silly things normal teenagers do, but, now that he's gone, this might be good for me. Keith shakes his head.

"Neither have I," he mutters under his breath. "S-So, will you? Will you be my girlfriend?"

I nod my head with pink cheeks causing him to smile brightly before pouncing me in a hug. If things had been like they were in the past, I would've screamed and struggled in his grip before shoving him off, but, now, I only tense before laughing at the boy's antics. Damn, it feels so good to laugh.

"I don't know the first thing about being a girlfriend, though. What if... What if I'm no good?" I ask worriedly when he pulls away, but he just gives me a sweet smile and holds out his hand to me.

"W-Well, I'd always see my mom and dad holding hands. We c-can start with that."

Smiling softly, I shakily grasp the boy's hand, but jump upon hearing heavy thuds coming up the stairs and towards my room. The figure of Pilvrich becomes apparent in the doorway of my bedroom with a small, black duffel bag in hand and his other behind his back, hiding something. His silver orbs widen at the sight of us together, likely because he has never met Keith before.

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