Mending Mind

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•Y/N: Your Name
•L/N: Last Name
•E/C: Eye Color
•H/C: Hair Color

Author's POV:

"Y/N L/N," Adeline Williams calls before waiting patiently for the frightened teenager to enter the office. Out of all the patients the woman had dealt with in her years as a therapist, Y/N has been the hardest case. She shows no sign of recovery, but has tried practically everything. The redhead hoped the girl was feeling a bit better today, though, she knew it wasn't likely. Soon enough, the familiar, shaky figure of the H/C-haired teen appears in the doorway before slowly shutting the door behind her. Mrs. Williams wasn't surprise to see the girl's hesitance to fully shut the opening; after all, she's afraid of closed spaces, among many other things. "How are you feeling today?"

"N-not too good," she mutters, her face looking paler than usual, like she had seen a horrific ghost. Y/N sits in her usual seat before looking around for any sign of the Boogeyman's presence. Mrs. Williams allows the teen a moment to take in her surroundings, knowing she's only more distracted during their meetings if she doesn't scope the place out first. Unable to sense or see him, Y/N's E/C orbs land on her therapist's brown ones, and they begin.

"May I see your journal?" With a nod, Y/N cautiously opens her bag before pulling out the notebook containing all her dreams. Her hands shake while handing it over, and she retracts them to her lap after it's taken. The fingers fidget while she looks down at them as Adeline silently reads to herself.

"You know, Keith Briggs has informed me that the two of you have been getting along very well. Is that true?" She asks, ending the tense air. A small sense of ease was laid into Y/N's mind at the mention of the boy along with a hint of guilt. It's her fault he went towards the beast. The girl confirms the claim with a simple nod.

"W-we're friends."

"I'm so glad to hear that. It's been awhile since you've had one right?" Mrs. Williams flips to the next page, her stomach feeling a little sick after reading the gruesome details. It's no wonder the teen feels this way, so scared of everything. Again, Y/N nods in response to the question.

"I-I've made another one too," she mentions, thoughts drifting to her new tutor. This caught Adeline by surprise, so she lifted her head to give her full attention.

"Oh? What's their name?" A soft smile touches her lips, feeling proud of the young girl for managing to make some friends.


The woman couldn't help but scrunch her brows. The name was peculiar enough to make her wonder if the figure had been completely made up. The name certainly sounded as though it were.

"Pilvrich? What a strange name?" To her surprise, the teen let out a silent laugh, and a very light twitch tugged at the corners of her lips. Y/N's insides began to grow warm, her fear of the monster evading her mind for a mere moment.

"That's what I said. I told him about everything, even about the monster, and he believed it. He believes everything."

"Now, I'm sorry, but I must ask: is this friend of yours...real?" Mrs. Williams was careful with her words. She knows the girl is prone to hallucinations, so it was a possibility that the man had been entirely made up. Her mind could be using this "Pilvrich" character in attempts to bring her back to sanity. By the looks of it, she's very fond of him.

"He has to be. He's my new tutor for my schooling. Mom and dad both saw and talked to him." Her smile grew wider a touch, filling the therapist with happiness. "I met him before that, though. I was heading home from here and got lost. He helped me find the bus stop. Pilvrich seemed scary at first, but now..." A light dust of pink colors the girl's cheeks, making Adeline want to laugh, but she knew better and held it in. It was clear the teen might've experienced her first crush. "He makes me feel better."

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