The Boogeyman

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color
•H/C: Hair Color
•H/L: Hair Length
•S/C: Skin Color

Author's POV:

"I-I-I, um..." stutters were all that could leave Y/N's mouth as she stares at Pilvrich with wide, E/C eyes.

'He...actually believes me?' She was so unsure how to react. Should she be happy or suspicious on why he believes her? Pilvrich gives the girl a soft smile, noticing how she had been stunned by his request. This is what he expected to happen. After all, encouraging the belief of a monster is an unlikely circumstance for her, and he knows that.

"Don't worry, I've seen many monsters in my life. I'm curious what yours is like."

"Y-you have?"

Smile widening, Pilvrich nods, a few strands of his raven hair breaking loose from the gel on the top of his head, causing them to fall in front of his face.

"Yes, I've seen lots. So, please, tell me, what does your monster look like?" With the swipe of his hand, the black strands are put back into place. Y/N naturally hesitates to respond to his inquiry and looks around the room to check if the grotesque monster's white eyes are watching the two of them, but she sees nothing. For the moment, it appears they're alone. Pilvrich remains patient when waiting for the girl's response, but his tip of his left foot taps against the floor repeatedly in excitement as his hands grip each other tightly.

"H-he's..." gulping, Y/N looks down to avoid the male's silver gaze before continuing in a soft voice that the man can barely hear, "horrible. I hate him." The teen clenches the fabric of her blue jeans while biting the inside of her cheek. Tears coat the female's E/C orbs, which she quickly wipes away with the end of her sleeve. "H-he's covered in some k-kind of bl-black liquid and h-has big, curly horns on his head. His mouth is f-f-full of sharp teeth, and he has white eyes." Her voice is near silent towards the end as she tightly grips her arms, digging her nails into them while trembling.

"Black liquid, you say?" The expression on the man's face goes blank for a few moments before a thin smile forms on his pale lips. "I think I know who your monster is."

"Y-you do?" Y/N raises a brow at the male, desiring to know what he means. Has he met the creature before? Pilvrich nods his head slightly.

"I believe you've met the Boogeyman."

"B-b-b-boogeyman?" Y/N's eyes widen to the size of saucers. She has, of course, heard of such a creature, but never believed that is what she has been dealing with all these years.

"He gives you bad dreams, right?" Pilvrich brings a hand to the side of his head and lightly taps it for emphasis with his smile faintly widening. Y/N nods in confirmation.

"Y-y-yes. He's b-b-been scaring me for years." Sniffling, more tears gather in the girl's eyes, becoming too much to keep clearing them repeatedly, so some manage to slip down her cheeks. Unable to look at the man, she holds her head in her hands and sobs. "I just want him to go away."

"Years, you say?" Lightly, the man hums. "He must like you, then." Pilvrich stands from his seat, his smile completely cleared from his face. Slowly, Y/N peers up at him. "May I sit beside you?"

Shakily the girl nods her head and scoots aside some to make more space for him to sit. Her eyes glue to his form as he approaches her, his words playing in her head. They made no sense. How can the beast possibly like her? It was then that she recalled what the monster had told her last night, when he had been so close. It made her face pale and her stomach twist.

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