The Passing of Nine Years

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

———————————————Author's POV:______________________________

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Hysterical sobs broke free from Y/N's quivering lips as she frantically shook her head, her body shivering like a leaf. Silver eyes watched her dully, though, there was a pinch in the Boogeyman's chest that was uncomfortable to bear. She was so out of it that she didn't even notice the restraints had slipped away, releasing her from their steady hold. The monster's gaze drifts down to the table in thought, wondering whether or not he should continue to let her wallow in misery, when he got an idea. With the whirl of his finger, he manifests a sharp knife into his hand before standing up from his seat. The squeal of the chair's legs pushing against the floor was loud enough to wake Y/N from her thoughts, and she immediately pales at the sight of the weapon as the monster approaches her. With widened eyes, she practically launches herself out of her seat to put space between them.

"Eighteen," he says as she stumbles back and falls due to her impulsive jump. The creature stops and points the blade at her, causing the girl to scream and cover her face, expecting to be sliced to bits. Something slides across the floor, stopping right in front of her feet, so she hesitantly peeks and is surprised to find the knife sitting in front of her. Still shaking, she gazes up at the monster to find him still standing a few feet away. Her teary eyes filled with confusion as he spoke again.

"You are eighteen, and I came to you when you were nine, I believe." His hands lift to his shirt and start to unbutton it. After reaching the final one, he slips the shirt off his shoulders and drops it onto the floor without a care of where it'll land, leaving his torso bare. His figure is thin with a stomach that's slightly concave and semi-defined ribs, as though he had been starved. His body held little to no muscle, rather it was all scrawny and boney.

"That's nine years of torment that I put you through, nine years in which you resisted the temptation of offing yourself. You had weakened once, but by that point, I had already become attached. I craved more fun from you in the human world." The Boogeyman watched as her hands turned into trembling fists that were loosely formed. "Now's your time to enact your revenge."

"R- Revenge?" She couldn't comprehend what was happening here. Slowly, her eyes drift back to the knife and the pieces began to fit into place.

"I cannot die of course, especially not in this place, but I can feel pain," he claims in a low voice as he gets down on his knees, staring at her straight in the eye. "Go ahead. I'll allow no less than nine lacerations for the pain I've put you through." A smile stretched his lips as she looks to the knife again before slowly reaching for it. With both hands, she grips the handle, staring intently at the blade that reveals her reflection.

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