Little Mouse

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color
•H/C: Hair Color

Your POV:

The soft sound of raindrops hitting the living room windows in the dead of night keep me awake and alert. I lie still on the brown couch, wrapped in a thin, navy blue blanket with a white pillow beneath my head. I chose to sleep down here, too afraid to go into my room. Though, I know he'll soon come for me, regardless of where I sleep. I grip the cover tightly and keep my eyes squeezed shut in fear of seeing that thing's horrendous face again.

The hairs on the back of my neck rise upon sensing the dangerous presence of the monster that haunts me. I can't contain the violent trembling that consumes my body as I curl up so that my knees reach my chest. My breath hitches as I feel a weight come onto the couch. The creature's thin frame is likely towering over me right now, trapping me between his arms like usual. I can feel the liquid fall from his body and drip onto the blanket that I hold in a death grip. A soft whimper escapes me as my bottom lip quivers. I just wish he would leave me alone for one night. Cold breath hits my face as the creature lowers his head to get closer to my ear, and I can't help but gulp. I hate it when he comes this close to me.

"Squeak for me, little mouse~" the monster demands in a soft, amused voice that sends a shiver down my spine. I shake my head defiantly and bring my hands up to cover my ears to, hopefully, block out the sound of his chilling voice. I don't want to give him what he wants. I don't want to play his games. The monster lets out a dark chuckle, likely finding my resistance entertaining. I almost whimpered, but that would be giving into his demand. I flinch when I feel that my hand is grabbed by one that is cold and wet. The creature pulls it away from my ear, so I try to pull it out of his grip while keeping my eyes sealed shut as I feel his breath on my ear again.

"Open your eyes for me, little mouse," he purrs out while the sensation of a thin, clawed finger scrapes lightly against my cheek down to my chin, likely leaving a trail of that black liquid, making my body instinctively freeze. Tears prick at the corners of my eyes as I try to gain the courage to tell the monster to get off of me.

"G-go away," I demand in a low whisper that was barely audible. I scold myself mentally for sounding so pitiful.

"You give me no squeaks and won't open your eyes, and yet you expect me to obey your commands? That warrants a little punishment, don't you think?"

I can practically see the grin on his face without bothering to open my eyes. A scared whimper escapes my lips, for I have no idea what this "punishment" will be.

"N-n-no, p-please," I plead softly, not wanting him to do anything worse to me than what he already does. It's silent for a moment, and the anticipation alone is killing me. A sharp gasp escapes my lips upon feeling needle-like teeth poking at the flesh of my neck, threatening to pierce the skin and make me bleed.

"Stop, please!" I beg, but the teeth sink in a bit more, making me cry. He unlatches his mouth before bringing his face to my ear. I bite my quivering, lower lip as he speaks.

"You must remember to stay silent, little mouse. You wouldn't want dear mommy and daddy to start playing our games too, do you?" He asks in an almost teasing voice. I shake my head frantically, making him laugh. This is just a game to him. It's all just a stupid, sick game! He feeds off my misery and suffering, and I just want it to end!Tears stream down my cheeks as a pleased growl escapes the creature.

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