Dreaded Return

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color
•H/L: Hair Length

Author's POV:

Joined hands swing in unison as Keith and Y/N travel along the sidewalk through a peaceful neighborhood full of colorful houses with lovely, green lawns. The sky above is bright and sunny, and everything in the world just seems right. Days like this were thought to be mere fiction in the birthday girl's mind, but without that terrible beast haunting her every moment of every day, life became infinitely better. A smile is present on both their faces as Keith picks up his pace in excitement, leading his new girlfriend towards his home to spend time with her. It wouldn't be considered an official first date, but the boy did have a surprise waiting for her at his house.

Everything about today was perfect... was. Y/N's feet slow a bit upon feeling a sort of miasma cloud the atmosphere. It made the bright, sunny day feel like one coated with grey, rain clouds that warn of a massive storm approaching. She stops with a frown on her lips as she looks around worriedly. She hoped to be wrong, but this sensation is just too familiar not to question. The blonde, having no clue why the female had stopped walking, turns to her with concern written all over his features, but she does not notice. Her chest tightens as that odd sensation seems to grow stronger with each passing moment.

"Y/N, is something wrong?" He asks whilst she slips away from his grip to bring her hands to her chest. Y/N's gaze does not meet his as tears build up in her E/C orbs.

Something wrong?

Oh, yes.

Something is very very wrong.

She could feel her hopes and dreams of peaceful things getting drowned in a deep, dark puddle of black goo that nothing could ever resurface from. The truth of the situation became apparent, and she instantly felt the need to break down and cry, but, honestly, she was too shocked to react.

'He's here. He came back. No... No, it can't be!' She had thought the monster to be gone, but the hairs that rose on the back of her neck begged to differ. From what she could tell, he isn't close, but it won't be long before he finds her. It might already be too late.

"N-N-No," she mumbles under her breath as her legs begin to shake. Unable to help herself, Y/N starts to gnaw at the inside of her cheek.


"H-He can't b-b-b-be here." A sharp gasp escapes her upon realizing who she's with. Her wide, E/C eyes meet Keith's in fear. He's the one the monster specifically told her to stay away from. "Go," she demands in a quiet voice, causing her boyfriend's brows to scrunch in confusion.

"What are you talking about? You're not making any sense." He steps towards her in attempts to comfort the frightened female only for her to step away from him with her arms held out to keep him away. If the Boogeyman sees her too close to him, it'll only make things worse. Her reaction slightly angers the male, but he tries his best to keep it contained like Mrs. Williams taught him by clenching his fists to focus his temper there. He opens and closes his hand repeatedly to relieve stress, which helps.

"Go!" She shouts in a firmer voice while stumbling back from his advances with tears streaming down her face. "H-He can't know I'm w-with you. He'll kill you!"

"Y/N, what are you talking about?" Keith's eyes narrow slightly upon realizing what she said. His voice dips some when he asks, "Who can't see me with you?"

"M-M-M-Monster. He's going to kill us. He's going to kill us!" She screams out hysterically, causing some people to peek behind their curtains from the inside of their homes at the couple. She felt she'd faint at any moment, and her hyperventilating doesn't help.

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