Friend or Foe

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Your POV:

My sneakers give off light taps when I walk on the pavement in hopes of getting to the bus stop quickly and without incident. The sky above me is dark with grey clouds blocking the sun's light, and the scent of rain stains in the air. If I don't find the bus stop soon, I'll get rained on. My nerves have not settled in the slightest, for the streets are empty, and I still see no sight of the monster that haunts my dreams. My eyes keep darting around to search for the creature, since I'd rather he not surprise me now that I'm completely alone. I had been so concentrated on finding him, that I found myself lost, which made me panic. I groan anxiously and bite my lower lip as I lightly rub my arms to warm them. It's a little chilly out today, so wearing shorts in the autumn weather was a bad idea. I didn't expect to be outside this long today either, though.

'Oh, what am I going to do? I'm lost.' My eyes begin to water, so I wipe them with my sleeve as I pass by an alleyway.

"My, are you lost, little one?" Asks a smooth, deep voice that makes me freeze mid-step. My body refused to move upon hearing the male speak. It took me a lot of courage to even turn my head to look down the alley to see who had spoken to me. My E/C gaze lands on a tall, lanky figure that stands around six foot three (190.5cm), possibly even taller. He stood quite a ways away from me, so it's a little hard to tell.

The shadows of the alley hide some of his features, but I can make out his silver orbs. My heart thumps loudly in my chest as the man steps closer to me with slow, almost cautious, movements, but I'm still frozen in place. Now, I can see that the male has medium-length, black hair that's gelled back some, while the ends of the raven locks are left wavy. His thin frame is dressed in a dark grey, button up shirt with black slacks and dress shoes. He has pale peach skin and dark circles beneath his eyes that make the silver orbs stand out better. On his smooth lips rests a light smile as a calming gesture that oddly made me feel uncomfortable and unsafe in his presence. Shakily, I stumble back to get away from the stranger. I don't know what his intentions are.

"I...I was j-just l-looking for the b-bus stop," I state in a meek voice without ever taking my eyes off his. A light chuckle escapes his lips, sending a cold chill down my spine. I gulp nervously, getting ready to bolt. I'm taken off guard when he reaches a hand towards me, which sends me into a panic. Instinctively, I scream and crouch down with my arms covering my head. I breathe heavily, my body trembling when I think he will attack, but nothing happened. Slowly, I open my eyes and peer up at the male. On his face is a blank expression until his gaze meet mine. His smile soon returns as he crouches down himself with his thin fingers still outstretched to me to offer his hand.

"I can take you there. I know the way. There's no need to hide." His smile widens slightly into an amused smirk, while confusion fills me. I could've sworn he was about to hurt me. His actions don't match his aura at all. Every bone in my body tells me to run away, but I was left stunned. "I mean you no harm, little one."

I gulp down my nerves and slowly lower my arms before shakily extending my hand towards his. When my hand lands on the palm of his soft hand, his thin fingers lightly wrap around it. The man then helps me stand with gentle movements before linking our arms. I'm sure he can feel my trembling as I cling to the limb with both hands. Thankfully, he doesn't seem bothered as we begin to walk. However, he makes no attempt to comfort me either. While he takes me to the bus station, I take to looking around for the creature again. His disappearance put me on edge, causing me to cling to the male at my side tighter. Our tense silence is broken by the man's voice, tearing me away from my search.

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