02 | Drowning in Fear

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•E/C: Eye Color

Your POV:

A violent shiver runs through me as I look around my room in fear of what sort of creatures I might see hiding in the dark spaces. My small hands tightly grip my grey blanket, holding it up to my face to the point where all you can see is my wide, E/C eyes and the top of my head. Yesterday, that... thing I saw had frightened me half to death. I don't know what it is or what it wants, but now I'm too scared to go to sleep. The blanket covering me had been changed earlier, but something I didn't understand was how mom didn't see the thick, black liquid staining the blue and white sheets that had previously covered the bed.

It was like it was invisible to her. Thankfully, she changed them for me after my constant begging. Now though, I fear that beast might come out again to get me. The nightlight plugged into the wall beside my bed flickers, making me whine and hide under the covers. I grip my arms tightly and tremble while repeating,

'It can't get me. It can't get me. It can't get me,' over and over again in my mind. That's what dad told me to do whenever I feel scared like this. Usually, it helps, but when I see that the light in my room had completely shut off, that confidence I had in that saying dropped. I can hear the floorboards creak lightly as though someone were walking on them. The sound gets louder and louder as it approaches the bed, as does the sound of my frantic heart.

It's here.

I bite my bottom lip to stop it from quivering, but it didn't cease my shaking. I can't help but whimper when I feel a heavy weight climbing onto the bed. I feel caged when there's a dip in the mattress on both sides of my head and legs. It's hovering over me, trapping me between its arms and legs. I want to scream, throw off the blanket, and run as fast as I could out of the room, yet I can't. My body froze in place, unable to move. I'm paralyzed by fear.

'Breathe. Breathe!' I remind myself when I couldn't seem to inhale. I close my eyes and concentrate on breathing, but my breaths are slow and shaky. I don't want to faint again. I don't want to be asleep in the presence of this thing. Who knows what it'll do to me? Every now and then, the blanket would get heavier in certain spots when its black liquid drips onto my smaller form.

"Not real. Not real. Not real," I mutter repeatedly under my breath. I suck in a fearful gasp upon hearing a deep chuckle. The sound is nearly silent, but it's so close to me.

"What's not real, hmm? Me? Am I not real?" They ask, amused. According to that deep voice, I believe the creature might be male. That's not important right now, though. I cover my ears to block out the deep voice that rang in my ears as tears begin to leak from my sealed eyes.

"Mom says you're not real, so j- just g- go away!" What was meant to come out as a stern, demanding shout barely came out as a whisper. This causes the creature to laugh lightly.

"Is that so? Would you like me to show her the truth, that I am real?" With the way it spoke, I could imagine a smirk on it's grotesque features. My frightened eyes opened wide at the mention of it visiting my mother and were greeted by the sight of darkness beneath my blanket. Thankfully, it's still shielding me from the monster, but who knows how long that will last?

"N- No, p- please, don't," I beg softly with more tears clouding my vision. I don't want it hurting my parents. I don't want it even going near them. They laugh louder, finding my plea amusing. I gulp fearfully at the sound.

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