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"You've been ignoring my messages."

I sighed, and looked up from the book I was trying to read. "I don't want to talk about Yoongi." I said, before he could get started. "And I know that's why you texted, Namjoon."

"I asked if you were okay." He rolled his eyes as he sat down at the table. "You could've answered that."

"Oh.. Well, I'm fine. Thank you for asking." I lied, staring into my textbook. "Are you here to study?"

"No. I'm here to tell you that I'm upset with you because you hurt my best friend after promising you wouldn't." He bluntly spoke. His hand slapped the table, I guess he was trying to get me to look up from my textbook. I wasn't ready to look him in the face.

"I had to." I absentmindedly flipped the page in the textbook. "I think it was for the best."

It was quiet between us after that. I heard shuffling and next thing I knew my textbook was slammed shut, making me look up at Joon, a little shock at his aggressive behavior. His face held annoyance with me.

"You promised that you wouldn't hurt him, Rena. You said you wanted to make him happy." He repeated. "I don't understand."

I shook off the shock with irritation. I grabbed my book to place it in my bag so I could leave the library. "I only met you a couple of months ago. I don't have to explain anything to you. You're Yoongi's friend."

Hurt flickered across his face. He was about to speak but he shook his head.

I mentally slapped myself for saying that. I wasn't trying to become that girl again. I needed to apologize.

"Hold on-." I started to say but he cut me off by raising his hand up.

"Let me guess. You didn't mean it?" He rolled his eyes, his voice full of sarcasm. "You do a good job of pushing the people that actually care about you away." He gave me a disappointed look before walking away.

What the hell just happened? I felt like I broke up with two people in less than a day. I sighed and rubbed my face. He wasn't wrong though. Pushing people away should be my career. Though, I didn't want to push him away, I wanted him to shut up about Yoongi.

I'll give him time to cool off and I'll apologize. Hopefully it won't be a repeat of the Jimin episode.

My phone buzzed on the table and I glanced at it without picking it up. I banged my head on the table again when I saw that Taylor had texted saying she was on her way to the library to see me. Here we go again. Did anyone not understand this place was my hideout from them? Or that I wanted to be alone to wallow in my pity.

"First thing first. Are you ok?" That was the first thing from Taylor's mouth when she made it to the library. "Dumb question! Of course you're not. You broke up with Yoongi. I can't believe it. I know knowing you that it has to be a good reason why but damn.. I liked you two together."

"High schooler couples break up all the time." I shrugged. "It happens."

She gave me a disapproving stare. "You don't have to act nonchalant about it, you know.." She mumbled. "It's okay to show how you feel."

I don't think she get it. I shook my head, swallowing hard. "No, this time I don't think I will. I'll also appreciate if we don't talk about this."

She slowly nodded her head and looked away. "Okay, I understand." She looked back with a reassuring smile.

Thank you. Someone who understood. Then again, Taylor and Taehyung always did understand me best.

We were finally released from prison and it felt like I could breathe once I stepped outside the building. It was a terrible day. Yoongi ignored me as if I didn't exist. Namjoon was walking around thinking I don't think of him as a friend. I think Hoseok was even upset with me a bit because he didn't greet me in high spirits like he usually did. The only thing that wasn't terrible was that two of taehyung's favorite  artists confirmed that they'll be able to show up  to his art gallery. Thanks to Marcella and her parents wealth, this was possible.

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