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Song to play for this chapter: Runnin' (lose it all) by naughty boy, arrow benjamin x beyoncé

I was texting Jhope when Namjoon started to move around in his bed, Jin had went to get something to drink and Yoongi was knocked out.

It was the next morning and I stayed up the entire night writing and thinking. I had texted my mom that I would miss school today because of what happened. Since I had finally exploded emotionally to them, they've been quite lenient towards me. Especially my mom. I would have to let her know she didn't have to walk on eggshells around me. That's not what I wanted. Personally, I wanted them to be more open with me.

I quickly got up and grabbed the cup of water for Joon to drink. I know his tongue was dry. He slept for 14+ hours straight.

"Dammit." He mumbled, rubbing his face with one hand and grabbing for the cup of water with the other. He gulped the water down in seconds. His eyes looked at Yoongi's sleeping figure, then back at me. "How long was I out? Awhile, huh?" He frowned.

"Yeah. You passed out from dehydration, stressed, and sleep deprivation. I see you haven't been taking much care of your body." I answered. I sat back down, looking away from him. "I thought you were more responsible than that, honestly. That's why I admire you. But we all go through our moments."

He let out a frustrated sigh. "That's exactly why I keep going overboard, too many people are counting on me to make something of myself. Too many people hopes are high for me. I feel like I have to be the top at everything now. I used to enjoy studying, learning new things, picking up a book. Now I despise it. I still do it because people are counting on me." He paused, and glanced at the heart monitor. "I'm starting to think, fuck those people. I just want to be me."

"I'll say it with you."

Namjoon and I looked at Yoongi, he was stretching his arms and yawning. "Fuck those people." He repeated. "Just be you. RM." He peered at Namjoon, his eyes were calm and serious. "Because if I have to stay in a hospital again over your stupidity. I'll kill you myself."

A small smile made it's way to Namjoon's face. "I don't need that, I guess."

Interrupting their bromance because of my curiosity, I asked, "So where did you come up with RM?"

"It's what I want my rap name to be." He answered, slightly ducking his head. "I want to be a rapper.."

"Rapping runs in your friend group." I stated, not even surprised by his answer. "First hobi, then there's Yoongs, now you."

"Ahhh, How did you know I want to be a rapper?" Yoongi straightened up in his seat as he looked at me with surprise. "When did you start calling jhope, hobi?"

"Hobi told me and I heard his sister call him that in the background when I was on the phone with him." I answered.

The door slowly start to open, making me think it was the nurse or doctor. Jin's head popped in, he had a huge smile on his face. "I got us chocolate chip banana nut muffins and hot chocolate." His eyes landed on Namjoon, and he whistled. "Jesus has risen. Slept pretty well, I bet."

"Where's the nurse?" Namjoon asked, "Or doctor. You'll think someone would've came in checked on me. I'm ready to go."

Jin put the muffins down on the table, and handed us our hot chocolate. "The nurses are switching out right now. I don't know about the doctors. They might be busy with other people."

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