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"Are you done crying about how your mom didn't show up to your 5th grade's graduation."

I looked up from my phone, trying to see who was at the mirror talking to me. "With all that makeup on, I didn't recognize you. One more layer in you'll look like a super crack head." I replied when I realized that it was Selena, a girl that I've been going to school with forever. She used to be sweet but once we hit six grade she turned into a cliche mean girl. It was embarrassing.

"Who in their right mind would say something like that to someone when they walk into a public bathroom?" Taylor added, her eyes narrowed in on Selena with disinterest set in them.

I patted Tay's shoulder and shook my head. "Keyword, right. oh and mind, because she doesn't have one." I whispered.

Selena's face turned red as a tomato as she gave us a look that could before she stomped out the bathroom. That was the weirdest interaction I've ever had with someone for no reason at all.

Taylor opened the bathroom door and poked her head back out. "YOU LEFT YOUR MAKEUP!" then a little lower. Her voice brightened as she said, "Oh hey kookie!"

"Why do I feel some kind of mean girls scene just went down in the bathroom?" Kook's voice echoed into the bathroom.

I grabbed the napkins that I went in for and exited behind Taylor. "We make a great team." I nodded at her. "I'm so proud of what just happened."

I handed Tae, who was waiting on us, the napkins. The men bathroom had ran out and he needed a few to wrap around his iced caramel macchiato.

"Thank you." He replied. "So why did my ex girlfriend just come running out the bathroom?

"Can you really call her an ex girlfriend? it lasted less than a month." Kookie scratched his head. "Maybe even 3 weeks."

I nodded my head, agreeing with him. "It was gross too."

"Those were vague days. Dark, vague days." Tae shuddered. "Let's not bring up the past."

A hand squeezed my shoulder so tight, I almost passed out. "Damn Taylor, Why are you so strong?" I asked, irritated a bit by her physical interaction.

"Fucking Park Jimin." She spoke. Her voice under a whisper. It was obvious she didn't realize she just about crushed my shoulder.

Tae whistled as he looked over to where she was staring at. "Sure he looks good, but he's not a work of art like me."

My eyes widened at the sight of Jimin. Fucking Park Jimin. But next to him was Fucking Min Yoongi. Did they both decide to dye their hair yesterday? Did they hangout after he left my house?

But Yoongi looked ...

Oh no. I forgot I was a childish brat and childish brats don't have those kind of thoughts. We have these kind of thoughts. Bratty thoughts.

Freaking Min Yoongi.

My mood dropped as I turned around away from them. "I'll see you guys at lunch." I said, before walking away.

That didn't stop me from realizing Taylor didn't say anything about Yoongi. She probably was too stuck by Jimin's charismatic beauty.

Hands reached out grabbing me, making me realize I was about to run into someone. Someone tall and handsome. I'm starting to think I have a magnet to Asians at this school. Not that I was complaining. I hope I ended up running into Park Seo-Joon next.

"worldwide handsome coming through. watch where you're going." The guy spoke, letting go of my arms.

"Were you going to let me run into you?" I countered.

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