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1wordGenius: since our project is practically finish. we don't have to meet up today so you can rest up.

He didn't have tell me twice. I was beyond tired but I needed to do one thing. I knocked on Taehyung's door and his mom opened up, a few moments later. A bright smile grew on her face when saw that it was me. "Well look who it is. My daughter from another mother! Taehyung's upstairs." She said, letting me into the house. The smell of sugar cookies were in the air.

"Are you making those sugar cookies with the same recipe you used last christmas?" I asked, distracted by the cookie smell. I paused at the kitchen entrance, peeking in. My mouth was watering as I thought about the sugar cookies from last christmas. Taehyung's mom was the best when it came to baking.

"I'll wrap you up a few. You and Taehyung ate so many of them last time." She chuckled. "They'll be sitting on the table whenever you want to grab them."

I pumped my fist in the air and did a little dance. What can I say? The cookies were that good.

"Uhh.. Dancing isn't your thing. I've told you to never attempt to dance ever again. So exactly what are you doing right now?" I froze at the sound of his deep voice. I glanced up the stairs, and saw him shaking his head at me.

"Your mom made cookies?" I said, feeling embarrassed. I shrugged my shoulders, and blocked out his hating. The excitement finally kicked in as I got a good look at Tae. I rushed up the stairs and threw myself on him. "Taehyung!!" I breathed, hugging him. He hugged me back, surprised by my actions. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you."

"I think I have an idea." He grinned, moving away and gestured for me to follow him into his room. "You're never really affectionate. Maybe I should leave more often to be treated like the good friend that I am."

I hopped on the black beanbag chair that was in his room and shook my head. "Don't push it, buddy. I'm just.." I paused, thinking about how I was feeling. "happy. I'm actually feeling really happy right now." I smiled.

Then I squinted hard at Taehyung. Why was I just noticing it now? I pointed at his hair. His very blue hair. His incredibly blue hair. "It's so blue." I blinked. "It looks nice. It fits you. I like it."

He grinned, moving his hand through his hair. "It's awesome. I feel like I've been reborn with this hair color." He spun around in his chair, as he asked, "So why are you so happy all of a sudden? You really had me worried yesterday." He stopped spinning to stare at me. "Are you better?"

"I'm sorry that I even called you." I frowned, leaning back into the beanbag. "I feel stupid, and weak for doing it. I was just scared. Yoongi was busy with Namjoon. I didn't want to bother Taylor. The only person that popped in my head was you."

"You shouldn't feel weak and stupid for calling me. We are best friends." He stated. "I would've called you. I'm glad you called me. It makes me feel safe."

My eyes that were closed, opened up and looked at him, confusingly. "Huh? What do you mean?"

He stood up, ignoring my question. "You look tired. Take a nap in my bed." He replied, stretching his arms out. "I'm going to play some video games, I need you out of that beanbag."

My ears perked up at bed. A bed did sound nice and I could wake up to sugar cookies afterwards. I opened my mouth to speak but a yawn came out instead. A mischievous look grew on Tae's face before I could ask what was he up to, he had picked me up and tossed me in his bed.

"You—-!" I couldn't get any words out as my body melted into the softness. "I hate you Kim Taehyung. I'll get you when I wake up." I mumbled, my eyes slowly shutting.

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